
Unit 1 My day Part B 一课一练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:48次 大小:554904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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PEP英语五年级下册Unit1分层训练Part B 第一课时 一,根据图片选短语。 A. have a dancing class B. take a walk C. have breakfast D. clean my room E. go shopping 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3. ( ) 4.( ) 5. ( ) 二,翻译下列单词及短语。 1.做早操 _____2.吃早饭 _____ 3.进行体育活动 _____4.吃晚饭 _____ 5.散步 _____6.购物 _____ 7.打扫我的房间 _____8.在周末_____ 三,找出与所给单词同类的词。 lunch clean where often dinner Monday when take Saturday always breakfast: _____ _____ eat: _____ _____ usually: _____ _____ what: _____ _____ Sunday :_____ _____ 四,用适当的介词填空。 Lily lives _____ an island. This is a letter _____ my friend I like to play sports _____ my friends Ann is good _____ sports. Tom and Mike are _____ a play now. 按照时间的先后顺序,给下列句子排序。 (_____) I have dinner at six o’clock at home. (_____) Classes start at nine o’clock in the morning. (_____) I get up at six o’clock in the morning. (_____) I go to school at seven o’clock in the morning. (_____) We finish class at four o’clock in the afternoon. (_____) I go to bed at nine o’clock in the evening. 六, 阅读判断。 Hello! I’m John. I am a policeman (警察). I work at night. I go to work at 9:00 in the evening every day. So I eat dinner at 8:00 p.m. I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 5:30 a.m. Then I go to bed. I get up at 1:30 in the afternoon. Usually I eat lunch at 2:00 and read some books at 2:30. I like to play sports from 4:00 to 5:00. On the weekend, I usually go shopping with my friends. 1.John is a policeman. (_____) 2.John goes to work at night. (_____) 3.John eats breakfast at 5:30 p.m. (_____) 4.John usually goes to bed in the morning. (_____) 5.John usually goes shopping with his friends on Mondays. (_____) 参考答案 一,DBCEA 二, do morning exercises eat breakfast play sports eat dinner go for a walk go shopping clean my room at the weekend 三, lunch dinner clean take often always where when Monday Saturday 四, on from with at in 五,5 3 1 2 4 6 六,TTFTF 第二课时 一,补全短语,并选择合适的图片。 ( )1. do morning _____ ( )2. _____ dinner ( )3. have English_____ ( )4. play_____ ( )5. eat_____ A.B.C. D. E. 二,重点句子。(汉译英) 1.你们上午的课到几点结束?(汉译英) _____ 2.我们通常8: 00吃晚饭。(汉译英) _____ 3.你周末做什么?(汉译英) _____ 4.我经常洗我的衣服。(汉译英) _____ 5.下午三点钟开始上课。(汉译英) _____ 三,根据中文提示填空。 I _____ _____ at 6 o’clock in the morning.(吃早餐) I usually _____ my _____ on Saturdays.(打扫我的房间) I often _____ _____ with my mum.(购物) Sometimes I _____ _____ at 8:00 a.m.(起床) When do you _____ _____ _____ _____(上舞蹈课)? 四,按要求完成下列各题。 1.I play sports at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.(画线部分提问) _____do you _____ in the afternoon 2.When do you go to bed (按实际情况作答) _____. 3.When do you eat dinner (完成答语) I _____7:00 p.m. 4.do, I , homework, 7 o’clock, my, at ,usually(连词成句) _____. 5.have, do, When, English, class, you ... ...

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