
Unit 4 Lesson 21 My Favourite Food 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-07-09 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:9699518Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 冀教版(三起) 四年级下册 Unit 4 Lesson 21 My Favourite Food Jenny:Look, Danny! It’s twelve o’clock. Lunch time! Danny:Great! I’m hungry! What’s your favourite food for lunch, Jenny Jenny:Hamburgers are my favourite. Danny:I like hamburgers, too. Jenny:What’s your favourite food for lunch, Danny Danny:I like milk, hamburgers, hot dogs, noodles, soup, fruit, vegetables, chicken, dumplings... Ask and answer (1)What time is it (2)What’s Jenny’s favourite food for lunch (3)Does Danny like hamburgers (4)What’s Danny’s favourite food for lunch It is twelve o’clock now. Jenny’s favourite food is hamburgers. Yes, he does. He likes milk, hamburgers, hot dogs, noodles, soup, fruit, vegetables, chicken, dumplings... Jenny:Look, Danny! It’s twelve o’clock. Lunch time! Danny:Great! I’m hungry! _____ Jenny:Hamburgers are my favourite. Danny:_____ Jenny:What’s your favourite food for lunch, Danny Danny:I like milk, _____, hot dogs, noodles, soup, fruit, _____, chicken, dumplings... What’s your favourite food for lunch, Jenny I like hamburgers, too. hamburgers vegetables Read and retell Can you describe them with “—What’s your favourite food —My favourite food is+食物.” Practice —My favourite food is rice. —What’s your favourite food —My favourite food is hamburger. —What’s your favourite food —My favourite food is noodles. —What’s your favourite food Look and say. Then write. What s your favourite food My favourite food is noodles. Let s do it! Write and draw your meals. I have b_____ at 7:00 in the morning. I like _____ and _____. I have l_____ at 12:00. I like _____ and ____. I have d_____ at 6:30 in the evening. I like _____ and _____. reakfast bread milk unch meat fish inner vegetables noodles What is your favourite food Game 1. Recite the text and words. 2. Practice the sentence “—What’s your favourite food —My favourite food is+食物.” Homework 一、选出与所给单词同类的一项。 (  ) 1. juice A. cake B. apple C. milk (  ) 2. dinner A. lunch B. soup C. food (  ) 3. twelve A. afternoon B. morning C. seven (  ) 4. hamburger A. hot dog B. fruit C. vegetables (  ) 5. noodles A. chicken B. dumplings C. bread A A C C B 二、读一读,选出合适的图片。 (  ) 1. My favourite food is noodles. A.        B. (  ) 2. I like fruit. A. B. B A (  ) 3. Hot dogs are his favourite. A. B. (  ) 4. I have breakfast at 7: 30 in the morning. A. B. (  ) 5. He likes chicken, too. A. B. A B A 三、我会选。 (  ) 1. —What’s your favourite _____ —I like meat best. A. food B. colour C. clothes (  ) 2. What’s your favourite food _____ lunch A. on B. in C. for (  ) 3. I have breakfast _____ 7: 00 in the morning. A. in B. at C. on A C 点拨: 在具体时刻,几点钟的前面用at;in用在上午,下午,晚上前,如:in the morning/afternoon /evening; on 用于特指的一天,如:on Tuesday。 B (  ) 4. It’s _____. Time for lunch. A. six o’clock B. twelve o’clock C. ... ...

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