

日期:2024-09-08 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:10次 大小:2370311Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 姐弟夜离岛屿记 原文本 Rising to reach for the book on the desk in the living room, Gudrun fell over her little brother, who had crawled out from underneath her chair. “Arnar! Why do you always have to be right under me ” The five-year-old giggled. “I was hiding,” he said, “and you found me.” “I'm not playing,” Gudrun scolded. “I'm knitting. And it's time for you to go to bed.” Her parents had gone out for the evening, leaving Gudrun in charge. “Let me hide once more,” Arnar begged. “Then I'll go to sleep, I promise.” Gudrun couldn't help smiling. “Oh, all right.” She turned back to her knitting. “I'll look for you when I've finished this row.” “Here's a clue,” Arnar called as he skipped away. “Look for me where I always am.” But Gudrun was already absorbed in her work. Gudrun wasn't sure what had awakened her in the middle of the night. Was it the urgency in Mamma's voice or the frightening and low rumble that rolled through her room Gudrun found herself suddenly wide awake, drawn to the window by a strange and unfamiliar brilliance outside. “An eruption,” Mamma said as she began to gather Gudrun's clothes. “Maybe Helga fell, maybe a new volcano. We must leave the island quickly.” “Tonight How ” Gudrun asked, her heart pounding. “Where will we go ” “We're lucky. The fishing boats will take us to the mainland.” Mamma turned to face Gudrun. “Pabbi has already gone to the harbor. I'm going to help Margret.” Their elderly neighbor lived alone. Mamma proceeded, “can you dress Arnar and take him to the harbor by yourself ” “Of course,” she declared. Everyone would help tonight. Icelanders had always worked together to survive in a land ruled by volcanoes, glaciers, and ocean. Gudrun dressed and ran to her brother's room. “Arnar!” she cried, “Wake up!” Hearing no response, Gudrun hurried to the bed and pulled back her brother's thick cover. Rising to reach for the book on the desk in the living room, Gudrun fell over her little brother, who had crawled out from underneath her chair. “Arnar! Why do you always have to be right under me ” The five-year-old giggled. “I was hiding,” he said, “and you found me.” Read for plot main idea 弟弟 Arnar 玩捉迷藏游戏躲在椅子下 ;姐姐 Gudrun 织毛衣 “I'm not playing,” Gudrun scolded. “I'm knitting. And it's time for you to go to bed.” Her parents had gone out for the evening, leaving Gudrun in charge. “Let me hide once more,” Arnar begged. “Then I'll go to sleep, I promise.” Gudrun couldn't help smiling. “Oh, all right.” She turned back to her knitting. “I'll look for you when I've finished this row.” “Here's a clue,” Arnar called as he skipped away. “Look for me where I always am.” But Gudrun was already absorbed in her work. main idea 弟弟 Arnar 睡前玩躲猫猫时留下了线索:线索是什么? “Look for me where I always am.” Gudrun wasn't sure what had awakened her in the middle of the night. Was ... ...

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