
九年级英语人教版Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section B 2a —2e同步练习(含答案))

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:34次 大小:19902Byte 来源:二一课件通
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姓名: 班级: 分数: Section B 2a—2d 一、翻译下列词组。(25分) 1. 请求帮助 2. 在不同的场合 3. 取决于. 4. 有礼貌得多 5,引入 6. 泊车 二 、完成句子,每空一词。(25分) 1. 直接请求帮助听起来不那么礼貌。 Asking for help directly 2. 当我们在国外旅行的时候,学会使用合适的语言是很重要的。 we go on a trip in a foreign country, to use proper language. 3. 两个答案都是正确的,你可以从中选一个。 correct,you can choose one from them. 4. 请告诉我怎样才能在英语方面学得更好。 Could you please tell me become English 5. 我不太清楚在哪里可以泊车。 where to park my car. 三 、单项填空。(25分) ( )1.There's a bank,a bank River Road. A.in B.at C.on D.between ( )2.The food in the Farmer's Market is delicious cheap so there are always many people there. A.both;and B./;but C,either;or D.neither,nor ( )3.I like going shopping at A.Aunt Mary's B.Aunt Mary C.Aunt Marys D.Aunt Marys' ( )4.It depends on A.how they know well each other B.how well they know each other C.how they well know each other D.how well they each other know ( )5.He likes reading a lot.He often spends the whole evening books. A.read B.reads C.reading D.to read ( )6.Go along this road,and the first turning on the right. A.turn B.walk C.take D.go ( )7.It was raining hard.So we decided some reading at home. A.do B.did C.doing D.to do ( )8.There are some birds in the trees happily. A.sing B.singing C.sang D.to sing ( )9.—Could you please tell me I can get to the Sports Museum —Yes.You can take No.3 bus there. A.how B.if C.where D.when ( )10.—Could you please tell me there is a drugstore around here —Yes.There is one over there,near the bank. A.where B.how C.when D.if 四、根据上下文补全对话,词数不限。(25分) A:Can you tell me 1. I can get a dictionary B:Sure.There's a post office 2. Main Street. A:Could you please tell me 3. I can get there B:Just go straight.Then 4. left at the first crossing.Go across Bridge Street and the post office is on your right. A:5. will it take me to walk there B:It will take you 30 minutes to walk there. A:6. is it from here to the post office B:It's about 3 miles. A:Oh,it's not very near.Can I 7. a bus there B:Yes,there's a bus stop on the First Avenue. A:8. B:You are welcome. Section B 2a—2d 一、1.ask for help 2.in different situations 3.depend on 4.much more polite 5.lead in 6.park the car 二、1.sounds less polite 2.When;it's important 3.Both answers are 4.how to;better at 5.I'm not sure 三、1-5 CAABC (6-10 CDBAD 四、1.where 2.on 3.how 4.turn 5.How long (6.How far 7.take 8.Thank you very much

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