
期末复习 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!2023-2024学年人教版八年级英语上册(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:14291Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 练习 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. If I _____ (be) free tomorrow, I'll go shopping with you. 2. I think the best time _____ (go) sightseeing is spring. 3. _____ (travel) around the world in the future is my dream. 4. I think we should _____ (order) some food from the restaurant. 5. The woman really had a hard time _____ (keep) the family all by herself. 6.I _____ (be) able to sing that English song four years ago. 7. How many _____ (play) are there on a soccer team 8. He went to bed after he finished _____ (do) his homework. 9. You're halfway to _____ (solve) a problem just by talking to someone about it! 10. If people have problems, they should get some _____ (advice) from an expert. 11. If it _____ (not snow), he _____ (play) football with me tomorrow. 12. If you don't hurry up, you _____ (be) late again. 13. Please wake me up if he _____ (come) back. 14. If you have problems, you shouldn't try to keep them to _____ (you). 15. I hope to have a talk with you if you _____ (be) free after the meeting. 16. We will go to the Summer Palace if it _____ (not rain) next Sunday. 17. Don't _____ (bring) your friends to the party. 18. What _____ (happen) if we have the party tomorrow 19. We need to think about many things if we want to _____ (organize) a party. 20. Please ask the children _____ (not play) in the street. 21. If we ask people to bring food, they _____ (bring) chocolate and potato chips. 22. Every Wednesday afternoon, we have a class _____ (meet). 23. If he _____ (have) enough time tomorrow, he _____ (meet) you at the station. 24. I _____ (start) to work after I finish college next year. 25. To keep healthy, I decide _____ (exercise) for an hour every day. 26. Are they able _____ (write) their names 27. Will you do it for me as a _____ (person) favor(帮忙) 二、单词拼写 1. After the exam, Lucy was very u_____ because she thought she didn't do well. 2. I never go to school by t_____ because it's too expensive. 3. Can you give me some a_____ about the teaching plan 4. I like to go to different kinds of p_____. I enjoy the drinks and music there. 5. Who will you go shopping w_____ tomorrow 6. I feel upset these days because I get so many w_____. 7. H_____ of the students failed the exam. It was difficult. 8. When I go to the KFC, I always have a hamburger and some potato c_____. 9. I'm busy now, so I can't cook for you. Let's o_____ some food from the restaurant. 10.It is n_____ to cry when you feel sad. 11.You won't pass the English exam u_____ you work hard on it. 12.He was so c_____ that he always forgot something. 13.If you have some problems, you can share them with someone you t_____. 14. To s_____ this math problem, he spent nearly two hours on it. 15. He is a good teacher with a lot of teaching e_____. 16. He made many grammar m_____ in the article he wrote. 17.Mr. Cooper is an e_____ in making robots. 18.-Would you mind opening the door -C_____ not. 19. He left the cinema h_____ through the movie because it was too boring. 20. I ... ...

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