
译林版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Understanding each other词汇课件(共17张PPT,内镶嵌视频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:62次 大小:7932691Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 选择性必修四Unit2词汇讲解(一) 重点词汇 1.react vi. 2.gentle adj. 3.competent adj. 4.obtain vt. 5.suit vt. 6.negotiate vi. & vt. 7.clarify vt. 8.knowledgeable adj. 9.put yourself in sb’ shoes 10.sympathy n. 11.account for sth. 12.approve vi.&vt. 13.gain vt.& vi. 14.precisely adv. 1.react vi.(对······)作出反应;有不良反 应,过敏;起化学反应 (近: respond) react to 对......做出反应;对......过敏 react with与......起化学反应,过敏;起化学反应 react against反抗,反对 in reaction to (to为介词)作为对......的反应/回应 reaction n.[U/C]反应,回应 1)Local residents have reacted angrily _____ the news. 2)Iron reacts _____ water and air to produce rust(铁锈). 3)He reacted strongly _____ the artistic conventions of his time. 4)A spokesman said the changes were not _____ (作为对......的回应)the company's recent losses. 即学即练 to with against in reaction to 2.gentle adj.温柔的;温和的;柔和的 gently adv.温和地;轻柔地 gentleness n.温顺;亲切;高贵;彬彬有礼 be gentle with 对······温柔 以-le结尾的形容词变副词,一般需要去e后再加y,如simple,possible,probable,flexible,terrible,comfortable,responsible等;还有少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly,例如:true-truly等。 归纳: Be gentle with her!待她温柔些! 3.competent adj.足以胜任的,有能力的,称职的(反:incompetent) competence n.能力;胜任;管辖权 competently adv. 胜任地;合适地 be competent in 在某方面有能力;胜任·····(be up to/be equal to......) be competent to do sth.有能力做某事(be capable of doing sth) competence in(doing) sth做某事的能力 have the competence to do sth.有做某事的能力(have the ability to do sth) core competence 核心竞争力 1)You can depend on it that he will _____(胜任) his work. 2)Make sure the firm _____ (有能力完成) the work. You . 3)The judge has to act _____(在管辖权范围内) the court. 即学即练 be competent in is competent to finish within the competence of has the competence to finish 4.obtain vt.获得,赢得 obtainable adj.可获得的(available) obtain one's permission得到某人的许可 get/obtain an admission to/into获准进入/加入 obtain advice/information获得建议/信息 即学即练 1)I've been trying to _____(获取认可) to publish this material. 2)Full details are _____(obtain) from any post office. obtain permission obtainable 5.suit vt.满足需要;相配,合身 n.套装,西装,西服 suitable adj.合适的,适合的 (反unsuitable) suitably adv.合适地,适当地 be suitable for...适合······ be suitable to do sth.适合做某事 即学即练 1)这个节目儿童不宜。_____ 2)I don't have anything_____ for the party. 我没有适合在聚会上穿的衣服。 This programme is not suitable for children. suitable to wear 6.negotiate vi. & vt.谈判;商定,达成(协议) negotiation n.协商,商量 negotiable adj.可协商的 negotiate with 与······谈判/协商/商量 negotiate a deal/contract达成交易/确立合同 be open to negotiation 可以商量 即学即练 1)The government will not _____(和...谈判)terrorists. 2)A contract is prepared _____ our clients.我们和客户协商起草了一 ... ...

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