
人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 3 The internet Listening and Speaking & Talking同步练(含解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:39次 大小:25067Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(人教2019)必修第二册 Unit 3 Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Talking 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、翻译 汉译英 1. n.博客 vt.写博客 2. 博文;博客帖子 3. n.博客作者;博主 4. n.引擎;发动机;火车头 5. (互联网上的)搜索引擎 6. vi.聊天;闲聊 7. vt.流播(不用下载直接在互联网上播放音视频);流出;vi.流动;n.小河;溪流 8. n.身份;个性 9. 身份证 10. 状况良好 11. 掌握……的最新消息;了解……的动态 12. n.折扣;vt.打折 13. n.账户;描述 二、对话填空 根据情景补全对话。 (Situation:Tom and Martin are talking about shopping online...) Tom:Do you know what is shopping online Martin:Yes. 14 Tom:Really?Could you tell me some advantages of it Martin:Of course. 15 You can buy anything you want and they will send it to your home or any place you want. Tom:Wow, that is great. Martin:Yes. What’s more, it is much cheaper than the goods in big shopping mall. Tom: 16 What is its disadvantages do you think Martin:Well, the biggest one is that I cannot see the true goods. I can only look at the pictures and some introduction of it. 17 Sometimes you may get the one not fitting you from the Internet. Tom:I agree with you. How to deal with this Martin: 18 Thus, I think shopping online will be a trend in this age. It plays a more and more important role in our daily life. Tom:Thanks a lot for your introduction.It helps a lot! Martin:You are welcome. A.Firstly, it is very convenient. B.I bought a lot of things from the Internet. C. Ah, that is quite a smart way for shopping. D.You can return them if you are not satisfied now. E. You can not try it on if you buy some clothes or shoes. F. I like going to buy some clothes or shoes in the shop. G. For some people, shopping online is too difficult. 三、短文填空 根据汉语提示完成对话。 (Situation:Steven and Julia meet on campus one day.They are talking about the network...) Steven:Julia, what do you think of the network Julia:Network is common nowadays.It's quite convenient for people.You see, we can download music and information from the Internet; 19 (我们也可以在线学习).And the most of all, we can send, and receive e mails. Steven:Yeah, you are right. 20 (因特网使我们的生活更容易).But it's a two blade sword. Julia:What do you mean Steven: 21 (我是说网络带来很多好处), but also some disadvantages.For example, many youngsters are addicted to the games and they neglect their study; or some bad guys steal people's money online, etc. Julia:I agree.But I think although it has some negative effects, 22 (但总体来说,网络的好处还是多于坏处的). Steven:Yeah, you are right. 23 (但是我们必须知道如何好好利用它). 试卷第2页,共2页 试卷第1页,共1页 参考答案: 1.blog 2.blog post 3.blogger 4.engine 5.search engine 6.chat 7.stream 8.identity 9.identity card 10.in shape 11.keep track of 12.discount 13.account 【解析】1.名词和动词“n.博客 vt.写博客”的英文表达为blog,故填blog。 2.“博文;博客帖子”的英文表达为blog post,故填blog post。 3.名词“博客作者;博主”的英文表达为 ... ...

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