
九年级英语(人教新目标版)Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 第6课时 Section B 3a-Self Check(学历案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:50次 大小:283246Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B (3a-Self Check) 课型 写作课 课时 6 课 标 要 求 能从简单的文章中找出相关信息,理解大意; 能读懂简单的说明文等应用文体材料; 能正确使用标点符号;能写出简短的文段; 能在教师的帮助下或以小组讨论的方式起草和修改作文。 学 习 目 标 通过头脑风暴,尽可能多地说出高兴或难过的经历,再次阅读The winning team 故事以及通过思维导图,能快速获取事件有关的what when where how等关键信息和逻辑线索。 选择写作话题,根据评价标准,能较主动地讲述并写出个人经历。 通过自评、互评和师评,能改进初稿的内容、结构和语言,提升写经历事件的能力。 通过完成写作任务,能进一步借助故事抒发悲伤、喜悦等情感,形成正确的幸福观和勇于面对挫折的积极态度。 评 价 任 务 1.Activity 1,2 and 3(Aim 1, test Aim 1) 2.Activity 1 and2(Aim 2, test Aim 2) 3.Activity 1 and 2(Aim 3 and 4, test Aim 3 and 4) 学 习 过 程 环节 学习流程及内容 二次备课 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step5 【学习过程】 Task1 : Before-writing 说出高兴或难过的经历;阅读文本,梳理出事件的关键信息和逻辑线索。(Aim 1, test Aim 1) Brainstorm: What makes you happy or sad Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them. You can use the following ideas to help you. winning/losing a competition getting good/bad grades on an exam performing something well/badly in front of a big group of people getting into a fight with your best friend your first trip outside your hometown 2.The blue group tell the sad experiences, while the yellow group tell the happy experiences. Let's see which group is more productive. 3. Review the story of The winning team, and fill in the blanks. Who where when what why how 操作要求: Activity l: 自评+师评,尽可能多地说出高兴或难过的经历; Activity2:自评+互评,小组竞赛:分成两组,一组说出高兴的经历,另一组说出难过的经历。 Activity3:阅读文本,梳理出事件的关键信息和逻辑线索并填空。 Task 2 : While-writing 1. Write a story similar to the one in 2a . 本文根据要求是一篇记叙文。它主要是说明事件的时间、地点、人物、起因、经过及结果,即我们通常所说的五个“W”(what, who, when, where, why)和一个的H (how)。人称应是 时态应是 2. Write your story. In your story, try to explain the following: 操作要求: Activity l: 自评,正确填空。 Activity 2:独立完成写作。 Task 3 : Post-writing 1. Evaluate according to the evaluation standards by yourself, then in pairs. Good Structure3分Good sentences3分Correct grammar/spelling5分Good logic2分Tidy writing2分 Revise your passage Read aloud. 作业布置: You must: 1. Finish the exercise and review this unit. 2. Read your writing after class. You can: 生活中,总有一些经历、习惯或者爱好会给你带来快乐,让你开心。请以“_____ makes me happy”为题,并根据以下要点,用英语写一篇短文。 要点:1、什么让你快乐; 2、它是如何让你感到快乐的; 3、你的感受。 难度:中等 时长:15分钟 板书设计: Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B (3a-Self Check) 学后反思:对我有帮助的学习方法有(请在括号里打钩): ( )(1)做好写前相关的词汇和句型复习,扫清写作障碍; ( )(2)通过细读阅读短文,总结出写作框架和思路; ( )(3借助收集的素材,能给出恰 ... ...

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