
Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 第5课时 阅读与写作备课 表格式教案

日期:2024-05-13 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:18次 大小:640773Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小 学 英 语 备 课 用 ●课题 Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 第5 课时 ●总第 课时 ●教学内容 Extended reading“The Camping Trip ”& Writing time ●教学目标 借助封面及图片信息,预测和推断故事情节。 借助图文和音频,提取故事中的关键信息,了解故事大意,以Mind Map的形式梳理森林里发生的事。 理解和识记故事中描述过去行为的词汇,并能借助Mind Map讲述故事。 产生对动物的关爱之情,了解人与自然和谐共处的重要性。。 ●教学重点 1.学生能够理解故事大意并最终可以独立准确地朗读全文。 2. 学生能够独立完成写作. ●教学难点 引导学生了解故事大意并能学习和运用相关过去式的词汇和句型,借助Mind Map讲述故事。 ●教学具准备及辅助活动 绘本The Camping Trip, ppt ●作业设计、安排 课内:. 听音频,朗读故事并复述大意。 课外:结合语言框架,写写自己印象深刻的一次业余活动或旅行。 ●主要板书计划 Unit 7 Summer holiday plans ●教学过程 故事导入: 讨论封面,预测情节 Activity 学生观察封面,自由提问,预测情节。 提问建议: Good morning! Do you like reading stories Today we’ll read an interesting story. What’s the title Look at the cover. What did they do in the trip How did they feel (What/How板贴) What else do you want to know about the story (Who/When/Where板贴) 故事呈现:搭建框架,促进理解 ◎ 初读:带着问题,整体感知 Activity 1 学生带着问题,自主整本默读,查找关键信息。 提问建议: They looked happy, but why the title says “adventure” What happened, can you guess Now let’s do picture reading together and find out the reason: fire! Activity 2 基于整体理解,将文本划分成三部分展开学习。 语言建议: So there was a big forest fire during the trip. What happened before the fire, during the fire and after the fire ◎ 再读:搭建框架,解决难点 Before the Fire Activity 1 图片环游第2~5页,在观察比较中形成框架。 提问建议: When did they set off (start板贴) What did they do 1st, 2nd, what did they do before the trip 复述:So what happened before the fire How did they feel While the Fire Activity 2 图片环游6~11页,在分析推断中厘清思路。 1.学生自主阅读第6页,完成正误判断,检测理解。 提问建议: But on the third day … What was the problem 2 学生给第7~10页的图片排序,厘清思路,理解文本。 提问建议: What happened during the fire Can you order the pictures 3.学生自主默读查找关键信息,教师带领再读检查第7~11页理解情况。 提问建议: Listen!(大火声) How terrible! What was the forest fire like Look, a tree! How did they feel What did the girl see 语言建议: Look, those animals were also running fast to escape the fire. I hope they would be fine. Especially the mother koala and the baby koala! 复述:So what happened during the forest fire After the Fire Activity 3 图片环游12~19页,在归纳建构中培养思维。 1. 学生看图观察第12页,理解文本,推断与预测。 提问建议: Did they escape the fire But why the girl looked unhappy How did she feel Where would they go 自主阅读第13~17页,词图配对,完成任务。 活动建议: Read and match(小组任务单) Read this part in groups and match the pictures. (took it to the vet; put a bandage on the leg; took it home; drove back to the forest; said goodbye) What did they do after the fire 3.学生聚 ... ...

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