
Module 1 Unit 2 It's a long story.课件(共16张PPT)2023-2024学年外研版九年级英语下册

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:14165190Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The winter holiday is coming.If you have a chance to have a journey,which way do you like best Why Brainstorming Prediction: 1.What does the title mean 2.Was there anything unusual during the journey U2 It’s a long story. 学习目标: 通过本课时学习,学生能够: 1.通过运用不同的阅读策略,完成具体的阅读任务,找出文章的关键信息,了解作者的旅行经历; 2.通过理解文本,了解英文话剧的结构及要素,并能准确找出重要事件发生的时间线并能借助思维导图简要描述事情的发展。 3.通过角色扮演,体会话剧语言特点,并仿写自身旅行经历。 Pre-reading What’s the writing style of the text 体裁 A report A A play B A speech C An ad D characters (角色) lines (台词) actions (动作) settings (背景) acts (剧幕) Basic elements of a play: 基本要素 setting setting actions Beginning Climax 高潮 Ending What’s the structure of a play How many acts are there in this play Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Acts Where Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 on the station platform in Car 8 in Car 9 While-reading Read the passage and finish the tasks Task 1 Read Act 1(on the station platform) and answer the questions . 1.What’s the relationship between Li Lin and Li Wei A.Friends B.Classmates C.Strangers D.Family 2.When will Li Lin be back At the Spring Festival. While-reading Task 2 Read Act 2 (in Car 8)and finish the mind map. problem Li Lin solution An elderly man Li Lin’s seat. process The elderly man The ticket officer Li Lin offers to the seat with the elderly man. tries to the elderly man at first. comes to and finds out the problem. realises he Li Lin’s seat and wants to go. While-reading Task 3 Read Act 2 (in Car 8)and finish the mind map. problem Li Lin solution An elderly man has taken Li Lin’s seat. process The elderly man The ticket officer Li Lin offers to change the seat with the elderly man. tries to ask the elderly man to leave at first. comes to check tickets and finds out the problem. realises he takes Li Lin’s seat and wants to go. While-reading Task 3 While-reading His friend, Wen Peng He is thoughtful(体贴的) and caring Surprised and excited Read Act 3 (in Car 9)and answer the questions 1.Who does Li Lin meet in Car 9 3.How do they feel about encountering (偶遇)each other 2. What is Wen Peng like Task 4 Discuss Post-reading: 1.What do you think of Li Lin and his behavior 2.What can we learn from him 3.If you were Li Lin, how would you feel about this trip The trip is worthwhile(值得的) because of the kindness which I recevied and which I gave. Kind behavior breeds kind return. Being kind to others. Let’s act out Act 1 on the station platform Act 2 in Car 8 Act 3 in Car 9 Homework Write a short play about a trip you have made. Think about: When and where you went. Who travelled with you. What happened during the trip. How you travelled. How the story ended. PS: no less than 80 words How well did you do in this class Collect to be the best. Let’s evaluate. Best Me I can predict from the title. I can know what elements(要素) a play includes. ... ...

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