
人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time .单元导学案 (共5课时 无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:98次 大小:31786Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 班级: 姓名: 第一课时 Section A(1a-2c) 【教师寄语】It’s normal to have problems and worries in our daily life. If we face them and solve them, we will be a hero. 生活中遇到问题和麻烦是很正常的 ,如果我们勇敢地面对并解决它们 ,那我们就是英雄。 【课前预习】 一、新词自查。 1. Our teacher don't let us wear (牛仔裤) in P.E. lessons. 2. Sorry, I am not available now. I'll call you back· after the (会议) . 3. My parents won't allow me to watch the (录像) . 4. Mr.Green (组织) some interesting games at his daughter's birthday party. 5. I bought some flowers, (炸薯条)and (巧克力) as Jim's birthday gift.· 【课中研讨】 Discussion 1: If you are happy, what will you do e.g. A: If you are happy, what will you do B: If I’m happy, I will . Discussion 2: Talk about parties. What will you do if we have the party tonight What will you wear if you go to the party Who will you go with if you go to the party 思考归纳: 通过本节课的学习, 仔细观察 if 引导的条件状语从句, 你发现了什么? _____ _____ 【随堂练习】 一、根据提示完成下列句子。 1. We will have a m to discuss these problems. 2. -I’d like to eat a piece of milk c . What about you -No, thanks. I think it’s too sweet (甜的). 3. Jenny o that party. She asked her friends to come and bought some food and drinks. 4. Let’s go to Helen’s home tonight and watch the v of her wedding (婚礼). 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. I’ll buy a computer if I (have) enough money. 2. I’m sure if he (go) to the party, he (have) a great time. 3. If she (finish ) work early, she (go) home. 4. If it (rain), we (stay) at home. 5.If there (be)no war,the world (be)more beautiful. 第二课时 Section A(2d-3c) 【课前预习】 按要求写出下列单词 1.见面(v.)_____(过去式)_____(n.)_____ 2.录像带;录像(n.)_____(pl.)_____ 3 .组织(v.)_____(adj.)_____(n.)_____ 4.劝告;建议(n.)_____(v.)_____ 5. 带来(v. )_____(过去式)_____(反义词)_____ 6. upset(adj.)_____ 7. 出租车(n.)_____ 9.劝告; 建议(n. )_____ 【课中研讨】 一、Read 2d and answer the following questions. 1.When will Jeff and Ben have the party 2.Where will they order the food 3.Why will they just bring potato chips and chocolate 4. What will people get if they win the game at the party 二、大声朗读 Grammar Focus, 讨论并总结: if 引导的条件状语从句的用法 小贴士: if条件句不一般 , 几个要点记心间; 条件句 , 放在前 , 逗号要居中间; 条件句表可能 , 主句多用将来时; 条件句表事实 , 主句常用现在时 。 1. 当主句用一般将来时时 , if 引导的条件状语从句用 。 (即主将从现) e.g. If it (rain) tomorrow ,I (stay) at home. 2. 如果主句是祈使句 , 那么从句通常要用 。 (即主祈从现) e.g. (not wait) for me if I (be) late. 3. 如果主句是含有 must, can, may 等情态动词时,根据需要从句多用 。(即主情从现) e.g. You can _____ the exam if you _____ (work) hard. 4. 表示真实条件、客观真理、 自然现象、定理定义、民间谚语等 ,句型是: If +句子 ( 一 般现在时) , +主句( 时) 。 (即主现从现) e.g. If the temperature below zero, water (tu ... ...

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