

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:31次 大小:41099Byte 来源:二一课件通
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湖南省长沙市德成学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 Mr Wilson, professor of news media, has recently received many questions from his students and answered them online. Here are some of them: What is mass media Mass media refers to the sources of information and news that reach a large audience. Besides traditional media, technology has changed and there are many new media introduced to convey information to the masses such as: books and magazines, televisions, Internet videos, films and documentaries. What is the importance of mass media Different types of mass media provide us with various types of political, religious, economic and social related news and information. Each media has its significance in some or the other way. For example, a newspaper provides information in rural areas and urban areas as well as a TV which also provides information, news and entertainment shows through a digital medium. What is traditional media Traditional media is considered as the oldest form of mass media, which transfers culture and tradition from generation to generation. People over some time developed different ways of communicating through local languages and written mediums. There are various forms of traditional media such as folk songs, fairs and festivals. Which sector is considered as the root of mass media The first modern mass media institution began with the development of the printing press. Are there any problems associated with mass media As with everything in life, mass media also comes with its own shortcomings. But there are enough experts to make up for that. 1.What has contributed to the popularity of modern media A.Communication. B.Economic change. C.Traditional culture. D.New technology. 2.Which is described as a traditional mass medium A.A dialogue between father and son. B.A radio programme broadcasted at night. C.A folk song popular with youngsters. D.A piece of big news via Weibo. 3.What is true of media A.It offers us all kinds of news. B.The root of mass media is Internet. C.The invention of paper is considered as the root of mass media. D.There are no shortcomings in mass media. Aesha Ash is a ballet dancer who began The Swan Dreams Project in 2011. It is a program designed to bring ballet to girls of color in her community. Aesha Ash is one of the few women of color to ever grace the stages of the School of American Ballet in New York City. She wants to expose her community to more positive images of women of color through the use of ballet. She wants to show the world that beauty and grace are not defined by status or race. Aesha grew up in the inner city of Rochester, New York, where crime, gun violence and poverty were among the biggest threats to the community. For her, that’s normal. That’s just life in the neighborhood, but what she remembers most is the dance studio. She started dancing at the age of five. A teacher mentioned to her mother ... ...

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