
Unit 7 Seasons Revision 单元复习课件 (共37张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:76次 大小:1696912Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 Seasons Revision How is Peter like Is he good at sports His future plan is to become a doctor ,right 复习词汇 Task 1 类别 课标考点要求 词汇 拓展 1. show v/n. → _____ n.(have a shower) 2.memory n. → _____(复数).(have a good/bad memory) 3.drop vi. → _____ (过去式) 4.rise vi. →_____(过去式)→_____(过去分词) shower memories dropped rose risen 基础过关 类别 课标考点要求 词汇 拓展 5. loud adv. → _____ adv.→ _____ 6.ring vt. → _____. →_____ 7.fog n → _____ adj. 8.sleepy adj. →_____adj.→_____ adj. aloud rang foggy sleep 基础过关 loudly rung asleep 基础过关 类别 课标考点要求 词汇 拓展 9. shine vi.→_____adj. →_____ (过去式)_____(过去分词) 10.sudden adj.→_____adv. 11.freeze vi.→_____ .(过去式)_____(过去分词)→_____ adj. 12.throw vt.→_____(过去式) _____(过去分词) 13.snowman n.→_____ (复数). shiny suddenly froze threw snowmen shone shone frozen frozen thrown How is Peter like Is he good at sports His future plan is to become a doctor ,right 小试牛刀 Task 2 1.It's very cold. It _____(drop) below zero. 2. There will be a heavy _____(show) tonight. 3. Ice turns into water when the _____(temperature) is above 0℃. 4. The sun _____(rise)in the east every day. 5. The boy has good _____(memory). He can remember everything well. 6.Don't forget _____ (turn) off the TV before going out. 7. I like spring. The days are _____ (wind) and bright. 8. The _____ (leaf) turn green in spring. 9. The _____ (snow) season will begin soon here. 10. What fun it is _____ (fly) kites in autumn. 根据句意及所给单词完成下来句子。 will drop shower temperature rises memories to turn windy leaves snowy to fly 第一组训练 1.The air is fresh after _____(阵雨). 9. Sometimes my cat jumps _____(在…之上) the table. 3.The girl _____(落下) her glasses on the ground and they were broken. 4.At 2 p.m. yesterday, the temperature _____(上升) to 10 _____(度数). 5.When I walked past the playground this morning, many boys were_____(踢) the ball. 6.We can see a lot of dark _____(云) before it rains. 7.He had a high ____(发烧) and _____(咳嗽) a lot yesterday. showers upon dropped degrees rose kicking clouds fever coughed 第二组训练 根据句意及所给单词完成下来句子。 8.It was an _____(糟糕的) day yesterday. 9. He _____(给…打电话) you while you were doing your homework. 10.How strongly the wind _____(吹) last night. 11.I felt _____(sleep) on such a warm spring morning. 12. We find it _____(excite) to play snowball fights. 13.Sorry, I can’t hear you. Would you please speak a little _____(大声地). 14.While _____(扔) snowballs at each other, we _____(尖叫) and laughed just now. awful rang blew sleepy exciting louder throwing screamed 三、单项选择 1.We will travel to some _____cities. A. north B. northern C. south D. west 2.The Chinese government takes actions _____ the endangered animals. A. to prevent B. to protect C. to perform D. to provide 3.I want to _____ those poor children _____ some books for their study. A ... ...

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