ID: 19430092

Module 9 Unit 1 I like football.第 1 课时 表格式教学设计

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:20次 大小:20233B 来源:二一课件通
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《M9U1 I like football. 》(第 1 课时)教学设计 教学设计 *教学内容 I like football. *教学目标: Students can read and get the meaning of the new words . Students can use the sentence patterns “ I like...” “ We like...” “They like...”. Students can use the sentence patterns to express their hobbies and use them in the daily life. 教学重难点: 能运用句型表达自己和他人所喜欢做的事情 环节 *教学设计 及时评价 *导入 ①T:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you ②T:Now, before class let’s listen and chant. T: What’s this chant about Ss: It’s about animals. T: Let’s look and say.(看图说) I like cats. They are cute. Ss: I like ... They are... Ss: I like... They are... ③T:We all like animals. So what else do you like T:Now let’s enjoy a song, and then tell me what’s this song about Ss: It’s about sports. T:Now let’s play a guessing game. What do they like (看图猜球) Ss:They like football. (教读新词) T:What do they like (看图猜球) Ss: They like basketball. (教读新词) T: What sports do you like Ss: I like ... 师播放一遍歌曲让学生边唱边跳,然后让学生回答听到了哪些身体部位单词。 师引导学生用不同姿势和动作还有语气介绍:This is my body. 老师说两个指令之后让学生两人小组进行游戏。 * 教学过程 ①T:Look , who is he Ss: Panpan. T: Yes, papan like sports ,too. Now, let’s watch a video and answer. What does panapn like T:Ok, who can read the sentence Ss:I like basketball and I like footabll.(板书黑板) ②T: Look , who are they Ss: They are panpan’s friens. T:Now, let’s watch again and answer , what does panpan’s friends like T: Who can find the answer Ss:We like football , too.(板书黑板) T: And , what about them What do they like Who can find the answer Ss: And they like football.(板书) T: All of them like football. So what do they want to do Let’s listen and answer me , ok Ss: Let’s play with your football ,panpan! T: What does panpan say Ss: Ok. Let’s play together! T: But, at last, What happened to panpan Let’s listen and answer. Ss: Where’s my football T: So, where’s panpan’s football Do you know Ss: 可能丢了 T:Panpan’s bag is broken. Maby he lost his football. If you are panpan, what can you do Ss: .... T: If I am panpan, I can play basketball with my friends. That’s panpan’s story. ③T: Open your book, page 50. Let’s read follow the tape.(听读模仿) T: Let’s read together. T: Let’s read in roles then show. (分角色读并展示) ④Let’s play a bomb game. 大家听Panpan介绍自己的身体部位,并把有关身体部位的单词圈出来。 再听一遍录音并检查你的答案是否正确。如果这句话里有身体部分的单词,请你大声读出来。(师逐句点读每一句话,在学生读出相应身体部分单词,老师就圈出图片里相应的单词) (引导学生说出This is my…然后老师顺势出现句型。) 老师请一个小老师上台来示范,戴头饰指着自己的身体部位说This is my face.然后指着小朋友的身体部位说:This is your face. 课堂训练设计及检查评价 ①Let’s do some practice. ②T: Do you like sports Sports are good for us. Let’s do some sports every day. 让我们每天做运动,保持健康吧。 So, do you want to jo ... ...

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