
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 第3课时(课件+教案+素材)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:77次 大小:10361749Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Welcome! What can we probably see in a forest Unit 12 A Weekend to Remember Read the article fast and find out the answers to the questions. 2. What was Lisa’s weekend like Task One It was interesting but scary. 1. Where did Lisa’s family go for their weekend They went to India. Read the article carefully and put the sentences in order. _____ We went camping in India. _____ My sister and I got a terrible surprise the next morning. _____ We stayed there on the first night. _____ Lisa learned a useful lesson. Task Two 1 2 3 4 Read the first two parts in your group and answer the question. What did Lisa’s family do in the forest 贴图 Read for details First they _____ _____ _____, then they _____ _____ _____, next they cooked some food, after that they sat _____ _____ _____ and then told _____ _____ _____. put up tents made a fire under the moon each other stories 尖叫声 What did they see The next morning… Read the last part in your group and fill in the chart. What did they do when they saw the snake Lisa and her sister They felt so _____. They _____ _____ their parents. Lisa’s Dad He started to jump ____ ____ ____. scared shouted up and down to Read for details feel scared If you feel scared of someone or something, you are frightened of them. Extension: I am frightened! 我好怕! I am scared to death! 我怕得要死! I am so scared! shout to You shout to someone because you want people a long distance away to hear you. Extension: If you are shouting at someone, that means you are very angry. Can you hear me now up and down Two butterflies are flying up and down among the flowers. Can you act out the phrases by reading the following expressions scared to death shout at someone nearby jump up and down 1 2 3 Read the article again and retell each part in your group. Task Five A Weekend to Remember went to India spent one night got a surprise learned a lesson 1 2 3 4 Summarize the whole story A Weekend to Remember went camping spent a night put up tents made a fire cooked food sat under the moon told stories saw a snake felt scared and shouted jumped up and down learned a useful lesson Story 1 Story 2 Group work 黑车 Story 3 Story 1 Useful expressions: take a taxi, give sb. a lift … Story 2 Useful expressions: get trapped in a lift, push the button, break down… Story 3 … Useful expressions: hear a strange sound, see a thief stealing… Group work 黑车 take a taxi, give sb. a lift … get trapped in a lift, push the button, break down… hear a strange sound, see a thief stealing… Be ready for possible danger! Be calm when danger happens! Be smart to avoid bad things! How can we protect ourselves Homework 1. Describe a special experience you spent with your family or your friends. 2. Make an English poster to tell people how to protect ourselves. Homework Thanks for listening! Retell the whole story of Lisa’s family and act it out with your group members. You may use the expressions on ... ...

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