
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Let's celebrate! Starting out 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:36745063Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Let’s celebrate! Starting out by Ada Starting out 1. Look at the picture and describe what each person is doing. Talk about what kind of person they might be. Set ① for example: He is sitting alone. He looks disappointed. He may be a quiet person. Starting out 1. Look at the picture and describe what each person is doing. Talk about what kind of person they might be. Ask students to come up with words to describe people’s personalities. easy-going 随和的 outgoing 外向的;爱交际的 reserved 含蓄的;寡言的 bad-tempered 脾气暴躁的 kind;friendly 善良的;友善的 Starting out 1. Look at the picture and describe what each person is doing. Talk about what kind of person they might be. ② He is eating cakes. He may be hungry. He looks easy-going. Starting out 1. Look at the picture and describe what each person is doing. Talk about what kind of person they might be. ③ He is quarrelling with another guy. He looks angry. He may be bad-tempered. Starting out 1. Look at the picture and describe what each person is doing. Talk about what kind of person they might be. ④ He is talking with some people excitedly. He looks delighted. He may be an out-going man. Starting out 1. Look at the picture and describe what each person is doing. Talk about what kind of person they might be. ⑤ She is offering cakes to a guy happily. She looks hospitable. She may be a kind girl. Starting out 1. Look at the picture and describe what each person is doing. Talk about what kind of person they might be. ⑥ She is breaking a cup. She looks frightened. She may be a careless girl. Starting out Background information 2. Work in groups and talk about what you know about personalities. Brief introduction of the Enneagram of Personality(九型人格) It is about nine interconnected personality types, featuring nine characteristic roles, i.e. the perfectionist, the helper, the performer, the romantic, the observer, the loyal sceptic, the epicure, the protecter and the mediator. Starting out Background information 3. Watch the video and have a further understanding of the Enneagram. Learning about the Enneagram can help know about oneself. Starting out Background information 4. Work in pairs and talk about what type of person you and your partner are. Starting out 5. Watch the video and answer the questions. 1 What do the three conversations have in common 2 What would you do in similar situations Starting out 5. Watch the video and answer the questions. 1 What do the three conversations have in common 2 What would you do in similar situations They are all about impolite behaviours in daily life. In the first situation, I wouldn’t make person 2 take all my belongings. And I would thank him for his help without complaining. Starting out 5. Watch the video and answer the questions. 2 What would you do in similar situations In the second situation, I wouldn’t use my phone while Person 1 is talking. And I would listen to ... ...

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