ID: 19447679

湘美版 美术一年级下册 2.软绵绵的云 课件(共44张PPT)

日期:2025-03-04 科目:美术 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:22710661B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 云儿朵朵天上飘 又像小狗又像猫飞上云天抱一抱 飞上云天抱一抱 白云堆作游乐场 软绵绵的云 想一想 01 云朵是什么样子的? 形状特点:弧线 找一找 软软的 轻轻的 白白的 雪白的 缥缈的 硬邦邦的 尖锐的 沉重的 ruǎn ruǎn de qīnɡ qīnɡ de yìnɡ bānɡ bānɡ de xuě bái de jiān ruì de chén zhònɡ de bái bái de piāo miǎo de 看一看, 云朵装扮成了什么? 想一想, 小朋友在云上玩耍的情景? 动作? 表情? 观察法 拟人法 组合法 欣赏佳作 02 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest of them all CAMPING Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun BEACH Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust MUSEUM MY FAVORITE SITES 50% 75% 25% COMPUTER MOCKUP You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just right-click on it and select “Replace image” TABLET MOCKUP You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just right-click on it and select “Replace image” PHONE MOCKUP You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just right-click on it and select “Replace image” PLACES VISITED PLACE 2 Venus is the second planet from the Sun PLACE 3 Despite being red, Mars is a very cold place PLACE 1 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun REGARDS 03 You can enter a subtitle here if you need it TIMELINE OF MY HOLIDAYS DAY 04 Venus is the second planet from the Sun DAY 02 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun DAY 01 Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place DAY 03 Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all MUM’S Venus has high temperatures DAD’S Mars is actually a very cold place Mercury is the smallest planet SISTER’S Saturn is a gas giant with rings MINE OUR LUGGAGE WHERE I WANT TO GO NAME OF PLACE WHY I WANT TO GO 1st PLACE Name of place here Describe here why you want to go and what you want to visit 2nd PLACE Name of place here Describe here why you want to go and what you want to visit 3rd PLACE Name of place here Describe here why you want to go and what you want to visit 4th PLACE Name of place here Describe here why you want to go and what you want to visit MY FAVORITE PLACES Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here CAMP Mercury is the smallest planet SHOPS Jupiter is the biggest planet BEACH Venus has very high temperatures PARKS Saturn is a gas giant with rings 10% 20% 40% 30% PETER HARRIS SOFIA HILL OUR TEAM You can speak a bit about this person here You can speak a bit about this person here TRAVEL CHECKLIST TAKE WITH ME Passport Plane tickets Food Medicine Shampoo PACK Toothbrush Underwear Coat Swimsuit Flip flops MY FRIENDS Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun PETER Venus has a beautiful name and is very hot SOPHIE Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place BROTHERS NEXT TRIPS DECEMBER 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Despite being r ... ...

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