
Module 2 Science and technology Unit 4 Inventions课件(共67张PPT)牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)英语八年级上册

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:20897964Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Inventions 沪教牛津版英语八年级 4 Contents 目录 Vocabulary Grammar Practice Reading Practice 02 04 06 01 03 05 Writing 07 Culture Background information What do you know about … Inventions change the way of our life. Look at the photos below. Write the name of each invention in the blanks. computer light bulb mobile phone paper telephone train wheel 7 paper light bulb train wheel telephone computer mobile phone Reading Great inventions Great inventions change the world. They help people live a better life. The following are three of the most important inventions in history. The wheel The wheel is perhaps the greatest invention in history. After its invention, travelling became faster and more comfortable. A few thousand years ago, people started to use wheels on carriages. In the early 19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers. At the start of the 20th century, cars became popular. Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions The telephone Alexander Graham Bell invented one of the first practical telephones in 1876. Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones. They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. The light bulb Thomas Edison developed the first practical light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light bulb, people had to use oil lamps, gas lamps or candles to see at night. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime. Can you imagine living without them 1. Great inventions help people live a better life. 2. The following are three of the most important inventions in history. 3. After its invention, travelling became faster and more comfortable. 4. Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions. 5. Mobile phones allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. Key sentences Vocabulary advertisement / d'v :t sm nt/ n. [C] 广告 【同】ad. (缩写) 【变】advertise / dv ta z / v. 做广告,登广告 We have advertised for someone to look after the garden. 我们已经登广告找人管理花园了。 funny / f ni/ adj. 滑稽的,好笑的 funnier- funniest 【变】 fun n. 乐趣 【辨】(1)fun adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的= interesting; (2)funny adj. 滑稽的,古怪的。 【搭】 make fun 开玩笑 have fun(doing)玩的开心 make fun of 取笑 create /kri e t/ v.创作,创造 【变】creation n. 创造物,创作,创造 creator n. 创造者 creativity n. 创造力 creative adj. 有创造力的 试翻译 这个创造者创作了这个作品,他很有创造力。 The creator created the creation, he is creative. telephone / tel f n/ n.电话,电话机 缩写形式是phone mobile phone移动电话,手机 【变】telephone v. 打电话 wheel /wi:l/ n. 车轮,轮子 【搭】 wheel chair The wheel turned slowly. 轮子缓缓转动。 【反】uncomfortable 不舒服的 【变】comfort n. 舒适,安逸 v. 安慰,使舒适 (comfort sb. ) 坐火车旅游比坐小车旅游要舒适点。 Travelling by train is more comfortable th ... ...

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