

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:61次 大小:36147Byte 来源:二一课件通
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一轮英语语法之八:情态动词 【预习案】 情态动词的特性 不能单独充当谓语,后接_____。 无_____形式。 部分情态动词无过去式。 可用作助动词。 基本含义: 情态动词 词义 情态动词 词义 can/could 能,能够,可能 should/ought to may/might shall must will/would need dare had better have to 常见用法: 用于请求与询问 May/Might/Could/Can I... Would you (please)…/Would you mind… Must/Need I… Shall I/we/he… 表推测 选词 表推测的情态动词 可能性大小 备注 will/be going to 100% can’t/couldn’t 99% can用于肯定句表客观可能 must 95% 只用于肯定句 should/ought to 90% 根据常识推断 may/might/could 50% may/might 不用于疑问句 may/might not 翻译成:可能不 It can be very warm in this area. It's 9:30 .I think she _____ be in her office. That restaurant _____ be very good. It’s always empty. 时间观念 +do/be 对现在情况的推测 +be doing 对现在正在进行的动作的推测 +have done 对过去发生的事情的推测 填空: I can’t find my ticket, I think I must _____(lose) it. Judging by her clothes, she must _____ very rich. 虚语气中的运用 should (not) have done sth. 本应该做某事却没做/本不该做某事却做了 could/might have done sth. needn’t have done sth. 特殊的情态动词 情态动词 实义动词 肯定 否定 need 不用于肯定句 need/dare (not) do sth need to do sth dare dare to do sth 固定搭配 may/might as well _____ would rather do…, would prefer/like to do… can’t …too…/enough _____ can’t help/resist doing sth. _____ can’t but do sth. can’t wait to do _____ before sb can… _____ I dare say. _____ do all/what/everything sb can to do sth _____ 【当堂训练】 选择题 (2017北京卷) Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, ____ easily reach the books on the top shelf. A. must B. should C. can D. need (2017天津卷2) My room is a mess, but I _____clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning. A. daren’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t 【2016·北京】 I love the weekend, because I _____ get up early on Saturdays and Sundays. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. wouldn’t D. shouldn’t 【2016 浙江】 George _____ too far . His coffee is still warm . A. must have gone B. might have gone C. can't have gone D. needn't have gone 【2014·陕西卷】 My book, The House of Hales, is missing. Who _____ have taken it A. need B. must C. should D. could 【2021年天津卷第一次】It used to be that you _____ drive for miles here without seeing another person, but now there are houses and people everywhere. A.need B.should C.could D.must 【2021年天津卷第二次】 --I honestly don't think I'm going to be admitted. --Wel1, you never know! You_____ a better impression than you think. A. may have made B. should have made C. couldn’t have made D. needn't have made 【2020·天津】Jim says we _____ stay in his house as long as we leave it clean and tidy . A.must B.can C.need D.should 【2020·天津】You _____ have scolded him for his poor performance. After all, he had done his best. A.must B.should C.mustn’t D.shouldn't 填空: When I was a child, I _____ watch TV whenever I wanted to. The police haven’t found the lost chil ... ...

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