
【人教版七下英语同步精品课件含音视频】Unit 3 Section B (3a-Self Check)写作课

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:73次 大小:12104712Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教七下英语同步精品课件 人教版七年级下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school Section B 3a-Self check 写作精品课 人教版七下英语同步精品课件 01 语言能力 02 思维品质 03 文化意识 04 学习能力 1. 掌握邮件的写作格式; 2. 掌握该写作话题的写作思路; 3. 完成本节课邮件写作练习。 1. 学生能够在阅读中归纳总结邮件的写作格式; 2. 学生能够在阅读中思考该单元话题的写作思路。 帮助学生了解邮件的写作格式。 学生能够在工作生活中运用邮件进行交流沟通。 学习目标 目录 CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 Lead in Pre-writing While writing Post-writing 05 06 07 08 Summary Exercises Homework Language points ....... Part one Lead-in Lead in Brainstorming transports bus car bike plane taxi in cities in villages subway train boat ropeway common ways walk on foot Lead in Use the words in the boxes to form as many expressions as possible. take, walk, ride, drive by bus, train, car, bike, plane, subway, boat take a bus by bus take a train by train take a car by car drive a car ride a bike by bike take the plane by plane take the subway by subway take a boat by boat Look at the chart below. Write at least five questions. Then answer the questions with the information in the chart. Who Where How How far How long Tony from home to school by bike 5 km 20 minutes Mary from home to the library by bus 15 km 40 minutes 2. How far is it from Tony’s home to school 3. How long does it take Tony to get to school 1. How does Tony get to school He gets to school by bike. It takes about twenty minutes. It’s five kilometers. Lead in Who Where How How far How long Tony from home to school by bike 5 km 20 minutes Mary from home to the library by bus 15 km 40 minutes 5. How far is it from Mary’s home to the library 6. How long does it take Mary to get to the library 4. How does Mary get to the library She gets to school by bus. It takes about forty minutes. It’s fifteen kilometers. Lead in Look at the chart below. Write at least five questions. Then answer the questions with the information in the chart. Make a presentation. How does Tony/Mary get to school Lead in ....... Part two Pre-writing 2. Who’s this e-mail from Pre-writing Read and answer. It’s an e-mail. sender: Tom receiver: You Hi there, How are you Thanks for your last e-mail. You want to know how I get to school, right Well, I usually leave my home at about 8:00 and walk to the bus stop. The school bus usually comes at about 8:15. My school is about 20 kilometers from my home. It takes about 40 minutes to get there by bus. The bus ride is never boring because I always talk to my classmates. What about you How do you get to school Tom 1. What’s this It’s from Tom. 3. What’s this e-mail about It’s about how Tom get to school. 4. How Tom get to school He takes the school bus to school. Pre-writing Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. sender: Tom receiver: You Hi there, How are you Thanks for your last e-mail. You want to know how I get to school, right W ... ...

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