
人教版(2019)选修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Build Up Your Vocabulary课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:41次 大小:17862324Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 4 JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND  Learning About Language Build Up Your Vocabulary Learning Objectives learn about some difficult phrases and sentence patterns from the text and practise them in exercise; 2. consolidate the key phrases and sentence patterns by applying them in new discourses. 第一部分 Click here to add words WOYAOBIYELA Review the Words 1.Complete the sentences using suitable nouns in their correct forms.Circle the words which collocate (与……搭配)with them. curtain antique breath bay creature highlight airline beauty peak duration frost 1 After arising in the morning, the first thing he does is to draw the _____. 2 He was impressed by her _____ and charm. 3 The visitors were admiring the _____ dating back to the 17th century. 4 We all remember the _____ of the trip—visiting the Huangguoshu Waterfall. curtains antique highlight beauty 5 Protect the _____ which are unique to Australia and their natural habitats. 6 What _____ did you fly 7 It is one of the most difficult _____ to climb in the Rocky Mountains. 8 The beauty of Qinghai Lake took the visitors' _____ away. 1.Complete the sentences using suitable nouns in their correct forms.Circle the words which collocate (与……搭配)with them. curtain antique breath bay creature highlight airline beauty peak duration frost creatures airline peaks breath 9 In freezing cold winter, windows are often covered with _____. 10 We sailed into a beautiful _____ in the southwest of Canada. 11 Judy enrolled in a programme of study that was eight months in _____,but she completed it in only six months. 1.Complete the sentences using suitable nouns in their correct forms.Circle the words which collocate (与……搭配)with them. curtain antique breath bay creature highlight airline beauty peak duration frost frost bay duration 2.Complete Samuel’s story with the correct phrases. bound for commercial world urban areas a massive amount of money 1 In Canada, _____ has been spent to preserve the forest, and the country's deforestation rate is among the world's lowest. 2 A growing number of woodworkers have decided to move to the _____ for better jobs. a massive amount of money urban areas 3 Aboard the plane _____ Toronto, Samuel, a young woodworker, began imagining a whole new life in the big city. 4 However, he also had some worries. Ideally, he wanted to make a living in the arts, but he also knew well that it was somewhat a _____. 2.Complete Samuel’s story with the correct phrases. bound for commercial world urban areas a massive amount of money bound for commercial world 3.Suppose you were talking to your friend Jane. Choose the suitable adjectives to comment on the situations. awesome mild pleasant 1 Jane: The welcome party at the University of Oxford helped many students to make new friends. You: They must have spent a/an _____ evening together. 2 Jane: We’re surprised to find that it is warmer than usual this winter in Lo ... ...

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