
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Reading and Thinking课件(共24张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:70232938Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Learn to develop good health habits Heathy lifestyle (reading and thinking) Lead in What do you repeatedly do What habits do you have Habits for a healthy lifestyle Learning Objectives 通过阅读文章回答问题并掌握阅读答题技巧,寻找段落主题句抓住文章大意。 理解文章文体结构,获取文中坏习惯的形成过程,改变坏习惯的原因和方法,形成好的习惯圈的重要性等内容。 联系自己的经历,描述自己的习惯圈,形成健康的生活方式。 Preview homework-1 Translate the sentences(5-7) 1.become involved in 2.dominae a teenager’s life 3.We are what we repeatedly do. 4.examine our bad habit cycles 5.facilitate a positive change 6.replace ... with ... 7.show some disciline 8.There is no “magic pill” or delete button that will help you. 9.千里之行 始于足下 涉及 有关 控制一个青少年的生活 我们反复做的事情造就了我们。 检查我们的习惯圈 促使一个积极的改变 用...代替... 展示自制力 能帮助你的魔力丸和删除键并不存在。 A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. Preview homework-2 Answer the questions(1-4) 1. Why should bad teenage habits be changed 2. What features does a habit have 3. What are the three stages of the habit cycle 4. How can we change bad habits ①. What's the genre (体裁)of the text A. Narration(记叙文) B. Exposition(说明文) C. Argumentation(议论文) ②. What is the text mainly about A. How teenagers make a choice. B. How teenagers feel relaxed. C. How teenagers change their bad habits. D. How teenagers become more independent. 1.Skim the title and the passage quickly. Pre-reading What’s the main idea of each paragraph? How to change a bad habit and create good ones (Para. _____) The cycle of how habits are formed (Para. _____) Habits that can help us study better (Para. _____) Changing habits gradually (Para. _____) No easy way to change bad habits (Para. _____) What a habit is (Para. _____) Why bad teenage habits should be changed (Para. _____) While-reading What’s the main idea of paragraph 1 As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions. However, during this period, it can be easy for some of them to form bad habits. These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. For example,some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager's life is essential. They must learn to recognise bad habits early and make appropriate changes. Read for details How to know the main idea of each paragragh 段落首句为主题句--段落其他句子是例子或者论证,常出现在说明文或者议论文。 段落开头是举例子或者层层推进的细节表述,段尾才是段落主题句。 段落开头列举具体事例,通过事例得出结论,这个结论就是段落主题句,后面的内容只是继续或者拓展结论。 段落虽无主题句,但是可以通过一些关键词或相似结构归纳出段落主题句。 高考链接 2022年普通高等院校招生全国统一考试(全国甲卷) 高考链接 2023年普通高等院校招生全国统一考试( ... ...

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