

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:25次 大小:98272Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    广东省一模测试卷 2024. 3.14 第二部分 阅读 (共两节 , 满分50 分) 第一节(共15 小题 ; 每小题2. 5 分 , 满分37. 5 分) 阅读下列短文 , 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Welcome to WSU Libraries! In this guide, we'll unlock the mysteries of call numbers and location prefixes. Knowing these helps you quickly locate and access your desired books. Call Numbers Books and material are arranged on our shelves according to the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. These call numbers uniquely identify and organize items near other material on the same or similar subjects. Consider the call number: LB2395 C65 1991. LB defines the subject area. The call letters are typically arranged in alphabetical(字母 的) order , starting from A and continuing through the alphabet. Knowing the letter(s) for your subject area gives you a place to start browsing the shelves. For example: A— General works ; B— Philosophy , Psychology , Religion ; D—world History ; G— Geography ; H— social sciences ; J— Political science ; K— Law ; L— Education; M— Music ; N— Arts ; P— Language and Literature ; . —science. For more , click here. 2395 is the classification number , which further distinguishes the subject matter. Read as a whole number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 45 , 100 , 2430 . C65 is the Cutter number and usually represents the author's last name. Find C, then 65 . Read the number as a decimal(小数) . 1991 is the year of publication. Location Prefixes Some call numbers have a location prefix. Location prefixes mean that the book or material is shelved in a special place , and may have loan restrictions. WSU uses the following prefixes: 21. Which book maybe identified under the call number " NU238 C719 2013 " A. An Introduction to Modern Art. B. The ABC of Computer science. C. The Recycling of waste oils. D. A short History of France. 22 . What would be the Cutter number if you are looking for a book by Whitney Sherman A. C78 . B. S53 . C. W67 . D. L59 . 23 . Where can you find the book " RES AG243 G87 1992 " A. 0n the2nd or4th floor of the library. B. In the Reference Area on the1st floor. C. In the Circulation Area on the1st floor. D. At the Learning Resources Center on the2nd floor. B A Letter from Willa Cather to President Tomas Masaryk Honored sir , Your letter , sent to me through your Legation at Washington , confers upon me great honor and gives me great pleasure. I am glad to have carried a message from the Bohemian (波希米亚) neighbors , whom I grew up with , to their home country of the Czech Republic. I have just returned to New York , where I had the pleasure of taking Annie Pavelka , the living " Antonia " in my book My Antonia , and six of her children to the first screening of A Lost Lady. I have the good fortune to preserve relations with most of my characters. " Antonia " and her splendid children are flesh and blood realities. Every time I go back to them , I feel how much more interesting and lovable they are than my picture of them. I wi ... ...

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