
苏教译林版七年级上册英语第三单元Unit 3 Welcome to our school单元测试卷(含解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:53次 大小:64729Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七上英语第三单元《Welcome to our school》单元测试卷 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ 学号:_____ 温馨提示: 本试卷共分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为客观题;第Ⅱ卷为主观题;满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。 请同学们将【答案】写在答题卡上,务必注意你的书写。 第I卷(客观题共55分) Ⅰ.单词辨音(5) ( )1.A.both B.baby C.back D.climb ( )2.A.get B.tiger C.orange D.big ( )3.A.what B.which C.who D.where ( )4.A.get B.else C.geography D.best ( )5.A.walk B.all C.wall D.half Ⅱ.单项选择(10) 6. Let’s look at the bag. Can you see _____ “u” letter on the corner(角)of_____bag A.a;/ B.a; the C.an; a D.an; the 7. Cassia works in a middle school_____her come, so she walks to work every day. A.far from B.far away C.away from D.near 8.Would you please come_____, Mr Zhang A.by the way B.this wayC.in the way D.on the way 9.Henry, with his friends,_____ volleyball every Sunday afternoon. A.play B.plays C.don’t play D.are play 10.(2021无锡澄西片期中)It_____ my mother an hour_____dinner every day. A.takes; cook B.uses; to cook C.uses; cooking D.takes; to cook 11.(2021徐州三十六中月考)Jim doesn’t like to talk to people, so he has_____friends. A.a few B.few C.little D.a little 12.(2021南京鼓楼区期中)—Mike, I will go to another school for a new start. —I wish you_____in your new school. A.a good trip B.all the best C.good health D.a great holiday 13.My grandpa is ill. I have to look after_____at home. A.he B.her C.him D.his 14.(2021徐州铜山区期中)Mr Wang teaches us English. We all love_____. A.her B.him C.she D.his 15. Mike, can you tell_____how to be a good learner A.John and I B.I and John C.John and me D.me and John Ⅲ.完形填空(10) Mrs Green is a middle school teacher in China. Her English is very good. She (16)_____ English in our school. Every morning, Mrs Green (17)_____ school at 7:00, an hour before classes begin. She (18)_____two classes every day. She often uses the computer in class, and sometimes she gives us lessons in the (19)_____ lab. She often asks us practise listening and (20)_____in class. She checks(检查)our (21)_____ and helps us with our lessons after class. She doesn’t leave school before 5:30 (22)_____ the afternoon. We like Mrs Green’s lessons very much, because she always (23)_____ them interesting. She often tells us how to study. And we all try to learn new things by ourselves. I think (24)_____ a good teacher. I want to be a (25)_____ like her when I grow up. 16.A.teaches B.learns C.reads D.speaks 17.A.leaves B.goes C.gets to D.arrives 18.A.have B.has C.had D.is having 19.A.art B.biology C.language D.history 20.A.speaking B.to speak C.telling D.to tell 21.A.pictures B.bags C.housework D.homework 22.A.on B.in C.at D.to 23.A.plays B.finds C.makes D.comes 24.A.I am B.I’m not C.she is D.she isn’t 25.A.worker B.doctor C.nurse D.teacher Ⅳ.阅读理解(30) A School Information Sunshine Middle School old but big, 1, 200 students, 95 teachers, the Computer Club, the Reading Club, the Football Club, three halls, five buildings No.1 Middle S ... ...

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