
专题09 并列连词-中考英语一轮复习语法专项练习(江苏)(含解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:13次 大小:46080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题09-并列连词 中考英语一轮复习语法专项 一、单项选择。 1.People invented Chinese chess in memory of the battle ___ Liu Bang ___ Xiang Yu. A.neither; nor B.either; or C.both; and D.between; and 2.I will volunteer for a two-day home stay for an exchange student from the UK. I consider it a good chance to show Chinese food_____our kindness. A.as well as B.so well as C.as good as D.so good as 3.Many students hated to have classes on DingTalk, _____ they gave it one-star reviews(评价). A.so B.or C.but D.while 4.Give me a chance, _____I will give you a wonderful surprise. A.or B.and C.but D.so 5.The boy is not very tall, _____ he runs very fast. A.and B.so C.but D.or 6.Which club do you prefer to join,the chess club_____the dancing club? A.so B.but C.or D.for 7.We should look forward to the future, _____ never forget the past. A.or B.so C.but D.for 8.Alice can sing some English songs, _____ she can’t play the guitar. A.and B.but C.or D.for 9.Last night, the shop was closed _____ she didn't buy any chocolate. A.so B.if C.or D.when 10.All of us enjoy playing computer games, _____we can't spend too much time on it. A.and B.or C.but D.so 11.There was something wrong with my car, I went to work by underground. A.for B.so C.or D.but 12.Daily homework is necessary, _____ too much homework may bring harm to students. A.so B.but C.for D.or 13.The restaurant is nice and the food is not bad, _____ I still prefer eating at home. A.and B.but C.should D.or 14.Study hard,_ _you will pass the exam. A.so B.or C.but D.and 15.I thought the actor was famous, _____ none of my friends has ever heard of him. A.and B.or C.so D.but 16.My brother knows little Japanese, _____ he can’t understand the instructions of his camera. A.so B.or C.but D.and 17.I have only two tickets for TF Boys’ concert. _____ you _____ he can go on with me. A.Either; or B.Neither; nor C.Both; and D.Not only; also 18.Think of a number, _____don't tell me what it is. A.nor B.so C.or D.but 19.Rules are helpful to us, _____ we have to follow them. A.so B.but C.or D.because 20.Work hard and be patient, _____ your dream won’t come true. A.or B.and C.but D.so 21.I’d love to go with you, ____ I’m too busy. A.But B.or C.and D.nor 22.-Your father has passed the driving test? -Yes. _____my father_____my mother has. A.Not only; but also B.Neither; nor C.Either: or D.Both; and 23.–Would you like to go to the concert with me –I’d love to, _____ I’m afraid I have no time. A.so B.or C.and D.but 24.Keep off the drugs, you and your family will be in great danger A.and B.or C.but D.so 25.John, work hard _____ you will make much progress. A.or B.nor C.but D.and 26. Many children ask their parents to give money to charity buy them snacks. A.later on B.even though C.rather than D.in order to 27.Mexican and Tex-Mex foods were popular in the USA, ____now Chinese food has mor ... ...

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