
Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Section A 1a-4C课件+嵌入音频(共102张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:5882015Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A 1a-2d Objectives To learn to talk about past experiences. To learn where Claudia and Sarah have ever been. To remember the new words:amusement, somewhere, camera, invention … How was your vacation Where did you go I have been to shanghai. I went to Shanghai last year. Warming up a space museum I have been to … an amusement park I have been to … I have been to … an art museum a history museum I have been to … a water park I have been to … space museum _____ history museum ____ art museum _____ water park _____ zoo _____ amusement park _____ Which of these places would you like to visit Rank them from 1 (most) to 6 (least). 1 2 3 4 5 6 1a Listen. Have these students ever been to these places Check ( ) the boxes. Name Science museum History museum Art museum Nature museum Space museum Claudia Sarah 1b 1. Sarah: Have you _____ ____ to a history museum Claudia: No, I haven’t. Sarah: ___ _____. 2. Claudia: I _____ _____ ___ the art museum many times. Sarah: ___ _____. 3. Who would like to go to the space museum again A. Sarah. B. Claudia. Listen again and choose the correct answer. Me neither ever been have been to Me too Ask and answer questions about the places in 1b. A: Let’s go somewhere different today. B: OK. Where do you want to go A: Have you ever been to the space museum B: No, I haven’t. How about you A: ... 1c A: Let’s go somewhere interesting today. B: OK. Where do you want to go A: Have you ever been to a water park B: No, I haven’t. How about you A:I have been there only once. B: … Have you ever been to ...… Guess Where have I been No, I haven’t. I have never been to… Yes, I have. I have ever been to… history museum √ Me, too. Have you ever been to … Guess Where have I been The Great Wall Yes, I have. I have ever been to… No, I haven’t. I have never been to… Me neither. √ Have you ever been to … Guess Where have I been amusement park Yes, I have. I have ever been to… No, I haven’t. I have never been to… Me, too. √ Look at the map of the town. Listen and circle the places you hear. 2a Conversation 1 1. Tina went to the space museum last year. T F 2. John has never been to the space museum. T F 3. They are going to take the subway. T F Listen again and circle T for true or F for false. 2b Conversation 2 1. Linda has been to the amusement park. T F 2. Linda went to the amusement park yesterday. T F 3. Linda is going to the amusement park again by bike. T F Conversation 3 1. Frank had a great time at the water park. T F 2. Frank’s friend has never been to the water park. T F 3. Frank and his friend are going skating. T F A: Have you ever been to the space museum B: Yes, I have. How about you A: No, I haven’t. B: Oh, it’s fantastic. Let’s go tomorrow. A: OK. How are we going to get there B: We can take the subway. Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places. 2c Conversation 1 A: Have you ever been to the water park B: No, ... ...

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