
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection知识点讲义

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:83次 大小:43655Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Book 2 Unit 2 Wildlife protection学案 P13 an endangered (endanger) species = a species that is in danger endanger vt使处于险境,危及 =put --in danger / at risk protect endangered (endanger)wildlife be in danger & be dangerous species 单复同形 a /two means/ series / species / crossroads a /two fish/ sheep / deer 注意: a works of art 一件艺术品 a form of art =an art form care for 照顾wildlife = take care of = look after = tend (to)= attend to = nurse care vi I don’t care . care about what others think of me 在乎别人对我的看法 a caring/careful (care ) mother P14 1.Which one moves=touches / affects you most move vt 感动 I was deeply moved by his selfless sacrifice . 无私的牺牲 be moved/affected / touched to tears 感动得流泪 拓: adj moving moved How moving (move) it was to be treated so kindly ! The sight of the soldiers’ fighting enemies fearlessly was really moving (move). I found everyone present moved (move) to tears . 2.Use visuals可视教具 to predict content 使用视觉效果来预测 内容 provide a visual feast 提供视觉盛宴 拓:vision n. 想象,幻觉;构想,展望;眼力,远见卓识;视力,视觉;视野 a man of vision有眼光的人 television n. 电视,电视机 =TV visible adj. 看得见的;明显的,引人注目的; invisible adj. 看不见的,隐形的;无形的, invaluable 极有用的,极宝贵的 拓:audio/ di / adj. 声音的,音频的 an audio-visual feast 一场视听 盛宴 video视频的 legal adj. 法律允许的,合法的; illegal adj. 非法的;违法的 imperfect impatient inconvenient irregular abnormal say no / yes / sorry to sb =refuse / agree with / apologize to sb What on earth 究竟,到底are we doing to our planet What on earth are you up to 你到底在搞什么鬼 in the earth 在地里 on the earth /planet 在地球上 in space 在太空 --die out at an alarming rate ———以惊人的速度消亡 .die out = become extinct / k st kt/灭绝;消亡 .die off : die one after another .die of old age 老死 die from an accident 死于事故 .die for my country 为国捐躯 .die down 平息 Eg.The fire / wind died down .火熄 /风停了。 His families die off in a year because of the pandemic .他的家人在一年内因为疾病大流行相继去世。 The flames finally died down. 火焰终于减弱了。 His speech was so great that it was/took several minutes before the applause died down. 他的演讲太精彩了,过了好几分钟大家的掌声才平息下来。 写: alarming adj 令人担忧的,令人恐惧的 ; alarmed adj. 担忧的,惊恐的 feel alarmed /panic 感到惊慌 拓:alarm n. 警报;警报器;闹钟;惊恐,担忧 v. 使不安,使恐慌; sound an alarm 拉响警报 写: make people aware of the problem =make people realize / recognize,意识到 the probem aware adj 知道的,明白的;察觉到的 be / become aware of the importance of health be /become aware that health really counts /matters. 缺乏 lack be short of fear be afraid / terrified of like be keen on be fond of realize be aware of The experience made me aware everyone had the potential to achieve success with a willing heart. 这次经历让我意识到,只要有一颗愿意的心,每个人都有获得成功的潜力。 写: awareness n raise people’s awareness of wildlife pro ... ...

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