

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:17次 大小:247189Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 Learning from nature 读后续写 微技能之环境描写———融情于景 词汇积累 风景描写 beautiful,fairyland,splendid,fantastic,landscape,cloudless,elegant, howl,dreadfully 情绪描写 wild,joy,terror,grief,tension,sink,hopeless,collapse,exhausted,sad 词块必记 1.wild with joy 欣喜若狂 2.feel sick with despair因绝望而感到恶心 3.a sea of 大量,茫茫一片 4.a sense of terror/fear/tension恐惧感/紧张感 5.slowly creep upon me慢慢向我袭来 6.a flash of grief 一阵悲伤 7.sink into hopelessness陷入绝望 佳句背诵 1.The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power. 漆黑的雨夜,风雨交加,电闪雷鸣,我全然被这种力量镇住了。 2.The wind was howling dreadfully and the rain was pouring from the heaven,whipping against the branches of lined trees.The world was burdened with a sea of darkness.Sad and exhausted,he collapsed into his armchair. 狂风呼啸,大雨从天上倾泻而下,鞭打着林立的树枝,世界被黑暗的海洋所笼罩。他既伤心又筋疲力尽,瘫倒在扶手椅上。 3.There was almost no wind—only the flames of our fire for company.She was deep in thought and heard little of what was being said around her. 几乎没有风,只有我们的火焰陪伴。她在沉思,基本没有听到周围的人在说什么。 4.As the result of an accident,Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness. 由于一场事故,托尼突然陷入了黑暗的世界,陷入了绝望。 单句写作 1.沐浴在阳光下,就好像琥珀色的阳光亲吻着我全身的肌肤。 When I_____ _____ _____ _____ _____,it felt like the amber-like sunshine was kissing every inch of my skin. 2.薄雾覆盖的山脉点缀着许多小农场和村落。 Mist-covered mountains _____ _____ _____ small farms and villages. was bathed in the sunlight  were dotted with 3.摇曳的芦苇伴着我的脚步声。 The sound of my footsteps_____ _____ _____the gracefully waving reeds. 4.我被自然发怒的力量抓住了。一种恐惧感悄悄爬到我身上。 I_____ _____ _____the roaring power of nature.A sense of horror _____ _____ me. was accompanied by  was seized with crept upon(课件网) Unit 1 Face values 读后续写 微技能之外貌描写 词汇积累 容貌 face,cheek,chin,eye,nose,eyebrow,handsome,good-looking, wrinkled,rosy,pale,tear-stained,square 体形 slim,thin,fat,overweight,skinny,strong,weak,figure,lean,neat,stout 衣着 smart,well-dressed,casual,conservative,elegant,fashionable,untidy 词块必记 1.wrinkled (lined) face 布满皱纹的脸 2.tear-stained face 布满泪痕的脸 3.rosy cheeks 红润的双颊 4.graceful figure 优美的身材 5.slim figure 苗条的身材 6.be of medium height/of average height 中等身高/平均身高 7.have short hair/medium length hair/long hair/long wavy dark hair/long and straight hair/short and curly hair 短发/中等长度的头发/长发/长卷黑发/长直发/短卷发 8.have got a baby face/round face/an intelligent face 娃娃脸/圆脸/聪明的脸 9.a hooked nose and a square chin 鹰钩鼻和平下巴 10.big/bright/dark/attractive eyes 眼睛大/亮/黑/迷人 佳句背诵 1.She even looked rather pale. 她甚至看上去相当苍白。 2.As she be ... ...

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