
外研版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 A new start Developing ideas Writing a journal entry 课文讲义

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:92次 大小:22110Byte 来源:二一课件通
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High School Hints 高中生活指南 Interviewer: Hello and welcome to School Talk! Today I’m joined by a former student of our school, Lisa Osborne. Lisa graduated from our school last June and is about to go to college in New York. Lisa, thank you for coming to share your suggestions for high school with us. 采访人:大家好,欢迎收看《校园访谈》!本期嘉宾是我校校友莉萨·奥斯本。莉萨今年六月从我校毕业,即将在纽约上大学。莉萨,谢谢你来和我们分享你对高中的建议。 hint:n.暗示;迹象;秘诀 give a hint to sb.=giva sb. a hint给某人一个提示 former :adj.先前的 pron.前者 the former前者 the latter后者 graduate from:从...毕业 graduate v.毕业;逐渐发展(或变化、进展、上升) n.毕业生 adj.(课程、学业)研究生的 graduate student 研究生;毕业生 be about to do:将要做 go to college:上大学 thank you for doing sth.感谢做某事 share sth. with sb.和某人分享某事 Lisa: Hi, everybody. I’m very glad to be back. I feel as if high school was only yesterday! 莉萨:嗨,大家好。我很高兴回到母校。我觉得高中就像是昨天发生的事一样历历在目! be glad to do很高兴做某事 as if=as though好像 even if=even though即使 Interviewer: So what helped when you first started high school 采访人:那么,刚上高中时,有哪些事情对你有所帮助? Lisa: Orientation Day was really helpful. It’s a fantastic opportunity for new students to get to know the school and the other students. I even made some new friends! Just keep an open mind and take part in as much as possible. 莉萨:迎新日真的很有帮助。这是新生了解学校和认识学生的绝佳机会。我那天结交了一些新朋友!只管敞开心扉,尽可能地参与其中。 Orientation Day:迎新日 It is a fantastic opportunity/ chance for sb. to do sth.做某事对于某人来说是一个绝佳的机会 【写作】It is a golden opportunity for us to have a better understanding of Chinese culture. get to do:逐渐做某事;开始做某事 make friends:交朋友 make friends with sb.和某人交朋友 【写作】This activity provides us with a platform to make friends who share the same interest with us. keep an open mind:敞开心扉 take part in:参加 participate in参加 Interviewer: That’s sound advice for sure. But how did you deal with new challenges, like starting a new course 采访人:这的确是个不错的建议。但你是如何应对新挑战的呢,比如学习一门新课程? Sound :adj.不错的;合理的;健康的;酣睡的 n.声音 v.听起来 safe and sound安然无恙 sound sleep睡得好 for sure:的确,确实 that’s for sure 当然 sure thing当然 make sure 确保 deal with:解决,处理 cope with解决处理 course: n.课程,过程,跑道 of course当然 in the course of在...的过程中 Lisa: I had a chemistry test right at the end of the first week. I was frightened at the sight of the test paper. But then I figured I’d better just go all out and see what happens. If you fail, no problem—next time you can fail better! 莉萨:开学第一周才结束时,我就有一场了化学考试。我看到试卷就害怕了。不过后来我就觉得,最好还是全力以赴考考看。如果这次考不好,没关系———下次你可以做得更好! Right: adv.正好 adj.正确的,右边的 n.权利,右边 right now现在,马上 that’s right那是对的 that’s all right 没关系 all ... ...

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