ID: 19492255

Module 1 My life Unit 1 Making friends Reading课件(共21张PPT)2023-2024学年牛津深圳版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:2751339B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 英语小组(6人一组) 课堂 举手发言次数 第一名7分,第二名6分,第三名5分,第四名4分,第五名3分,第六名2分,第七名1分(至少有一人发言) 背书 全部组员集体到老师处背诵 第一组背完7分,第二组6分,第三组5分,第四组4分,第五组3分,第六组2分,第七组1分 英语小组(6人一组) 听写 全对人数 1人对全1分,以此类推;整组全队额外加3分 作业 组员将作业交给组长,组长把作业缺交情况反馈给科代 获得A+,1人加1分,以此类推 1人缺交扣1分,以此类推 月底按小组积分排名进行奖励! 7AU1 Making friends Reading:Anna’s Blog 1. What ways can we use to make new friends A face-to-face way A long-distance way Brainstorm 2. If we want to make friends in a long-distance way, how can we do that letter email QQ WeChat pen friend = pen pal e-friend = e-pal Brainstorm 3. What information do you want to know about an e-friend name gender/sex age country hobby personality appearance family … 4. Where can you see the information on the Internet blog Anna’s sub-heading = sub-title (副标题) main title About me About my school and my hobbies 1.her country 2.her age 3.her parents’ names 4.her brother and sister 5. her favourite subjects 6. her English teacher 7. her dream 8. her hobbies pictures Look at the pictures, the title and the sub-headings on page 3. Then tick ( ) the things that you may find in Anna’s blog. Pre-reading Fast reading Read quickly to check if you guess correctly. 1. her country 2. her age 3. her parents’ names 4. her brother and sister 5. her favorite subjects 6. her English teacher 7. her dream 8. her hobbies Detailed reading Read the blog on Page 3 and complete the card about Anna below. Name: Anna Country: Germany Age: (1)_____ What she looks like: (2)_____ and thin; long hair Family members: father, (3)_____, (4)_____ and (5)_____ Where she lives: close to (6) _____ How she goes to school: by (7) _____ Favourite subjects: (8)_____ , (9)_____ and Science Hobbies: (10) _____ and playing (11)_____ Dream: to be an (12)_____ 11 tall mother an elder sister an elder brother Maths Art swimming basketball engineer some mountains school bus P5 Detailed reading Read the blog on Page 3 and complete the card about Anna below. Name: Anna Country: Germany Age: (1)_____ What she looks like: (2)_____ and thin; long hair Family members: father, (3)_____, (4)_____ and (5)_____ 11 tall mother an elder sister an elder brother P5 There are five people in Anna’s family. (statement 陈述) My mum… My dad… I have an elder…. (fact 事实) (statement 陈述) (fact 事实) support (支持) Detailed reading D2 Find facts to support these statements about Anna. Write down the facts. 1. Anna's school is far away from her house. _____ 2. Anna likes drawing. _____ 3. Anna enjoys her school life. _____ 4. Anna wants to be an engineer when she grows up. _____ Detailed reading D2 Find facts to support these statements about Anna. Write down the facts. 1. Anna's school is far away from her house. (Every day, I …) _____ 2. Anna likes drawing. (My f ... ...

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