ID: 19492430

Module 1 Unit1 Making friends Listening & Grammar课件+音频(共17张PPT)牛津深圳版七年级上册

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:2195040B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 7AU1 Making friends Listening & Grammar Jason Mandy (e-friend √ ) Mandy's e-friend Name: Yuki Country: Japan Age: (1)_____ What she looks like: short, thin; (2)_____ hair Hobby: drawing (3)_____ Brothers and sisters: one elder (4)_____ Home: a (5)_____ flat in Tokyo Dream: to be an (6)_____ teacher how old what what how many where what Pre-listening P6 Read the card and guess what kind of questions will be asked. Suppose(假设) you are Jason. What questions will you ask e-friend look like hobby country age family member name home dream What questions will you ask what where how old what what how many where what Mandy's e-friend Name: Yuki Country: Japan Age: (1)_____ What she looks like: short, thin; (2)_____ hair Hobby: drawing (3)_____ Brothers and sisters: one elder (4)_____ Home: a (5)_____ flat in Tokyo Dream: to be an (6)_____ teacher number数字 adjective形容词 noun名词 noun名词 adjective形容词 学科类名词 Pre-listening Read the card and guess what kind of words will be filled in. When you listen to a conversation, you need to pay attention to the Wh-questions. Wh-word: what, who, which, when, where, why, how Top tip for listening Mandy’s e-friend Name: Yuki Country: Japan Age: (1)_____ What she looks like: short, thin; (2)_____ hair Hobby: drawing (3)_____ Brothers and sisters: one elder (4)_____ Home: a (5)_____ flat in Tokyo Dream: to be an (6) _____ teacher 12/twelve long pictures sister small Art While-listening Grammar I got an email from a boy called Bruce. (1) _____ does he live He lives in Australia. (2) _____ is he He’s 12. (3) _____ does he go to school He goes to school by bus. (4) _____ are his hobbies Swimming and playing football. He likes an English football team. There are many English football teams. (5)_____ team does he like Liverpool. Jason: Mandy: Jason: Mandy: Jason: Mandy: Jason: Mandy: Jason: Mandy: Jason: Where How old What Which How Wh-word: what, who, which, when, where, why, how Jason gets an email from a new friend. Mandy is asking Jason some plete Mandy’s questions below. How do you begin your questions Person: Who Noun: What Time: When Place: Where Reasons: Why Choice: Which Manner: How Amount: How much Number: How many Age: How old Distance: How far Length/Time period: How long Frequency: How often Wh-words Wh-questions Grammar: A What Where Who How old is is are are her name (Anna.) she from (Germany.) your friends (Ben and Judy.) they (Twelve and thirteen.) When Why How Which colour How many e-friends do do do does does you go to bed (At nine o’clock.) you like your school (Because the teachers are friendly.) you go to school (By bus.) she like, red or yellow (Red.) he have (Five.) Do you know the order of a Wh-question be动词: (am/are/is) 助动词: do/does Wh-word + + 主语.. 主语+谓语.. Presentation Translate (翻译) these sentences into English. 你来自哪个国家? Which country are you from /Which country do you come from 你最喜欢的爱好是什 ... ...

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