
2024届高考英语二轮复习专题四 形容词副词 专练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:11次 大小:21291Byte 来源:二一课件通
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语法专题四 形容词副词 1 This opinion was expressed by Cao Zhao in 1388 in his 44 (influence) Gegu Yaolun, in which cloisonne was dismissed as being suitable only for lady’s bedrooms. 注意:Substance-substantial/essence-essential/potence-potential /part-partial/impart-impartial/. 2 If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming 41 (increase) heavier. 3 This is due in part to the growing popularity of Chinese culture and the ____37____(increase) wealth of middle-class consumers. 4 But he said he also felt the need for Chinese sci-fi writers to work even 45 (hard) because of the strong position Europe and the United States enjoy in this area. 5 It will also promote green renovation of existing buildings to improve energy efficiency and make 40 (low)carbon emissions. 注意:括号中给出了形容词横线上又要填形容词,那么有可能填①它的比较级或最高级②它的反义词。 6 Their existence proved the 65 (harmony) synthesis (结合) of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism during that period. 注意: Mountain-mountainous/poison/courage-courageous/advantage /disadvantage/adventure-adventurous/generosity-generous/curiosity-curious/anxiety-anxious 7 Institutional mechanisms and policy systems for green development in urban and rural areas will be 42 (basic) established by 2025, while green development will cover urban and rural areas in a comprehensive way by 2035, with an increased cut in carbon emissions, said the guideline. 8 Along one section of Chongyong Street, a 40 (historic) significant street in central Beijing, Hou and her team have built 35 microgardens consisting of more than 6,000 plants. 注意: energetic-energetically /sympathetic/apologetic/enthusiastic /fantastic/scientific/classic/tragic/electric/strategic/ironic, 但public-publicly例外。 9 Although “stooping” is a 44 ( relative) new word in China, now, people are gradually advocating a savings-based consumption and environment-friendly lifestyle instead of blindly pursuing luxurious expense. 注意:extreme-extremely/respective/active/responsive/expensive/nice /safe/strange/wide/unique,但true-truly,whole-wholly,due-duly例外。 10 Connecting these reserves and establishing protected areas between them will allow pandas to travel between the different areas and 41 (hopeful) crossbreed(杂交繁育) and strengthen the panda population. 注意:careful-carefully/successful/helpful/meaningful/delightful/grateful /peaceful但full-fully/dull-dully 11 It perfectly combined traditional instruments like pipa and guzheng with contemporary trends, creating a unique experience for the audience, who remained enthusiastic and 59 (engage) despite the cold weather. 12 With quick kicks, he effortlessly sends the Jianzi into the air and gracefully guides it to land 56 (gentle)on his head. 注意:以ble, ple, tle结尾的形容possible/probable/reliable/responsible /comfortable/terrible/valuable/simple/gentle. 13 Tea is commonly considered native to Southern China. However, in a gard ... ...

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