
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?常考单词,短语,句型专练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:67次 大小:33157Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第十二单元常考单词,短语,句型专练 ◆常考单词 1.扎营;搭帐篷 v. 2.海滩;沙滩(n.) 3.飞 (v.) 过去式 4. 自然的(adj.) 大自然(n.) 5.游客;访问者(n.) 拜访:参观(v.) 6.疲倦的;疲劳的(adj.) 令人疲倦的(adj.) 7.老鼠;耗子(n.) (pl.) 8.语言(n.) 9. 高的(地)(adj.&adv.) 高度(n.) 10.印度(n.) 印度的;印度人的;印度语(adj.&n.) 11.月亮(n.) 12.惊奇;惊讶(n.) 令 人 惊 讶 的(adj.) 感 到 惊 讶 的(adj.) 13.惊慌的;吓坏了的(adj.) 恐怖的;吓人的(adj.) 14.跳;跃(v.) 15.森林(n.) 16 lake 17.sheep 18.butterfly 19.stay 20.away ◆常考短语 1.深夜不睡;熬夜 2. 跑开 3.向……大声叫嚷 4. 中学毕业 5.搭起;举起 6.吃惊 7. 叫醒:醒来 8.打羽毛球 9. 和某人一起玩 10.放风筝 11.担任……工作 12.go boating 13.go to the beach _ 14.make a fire 15.go to sleep 16.look out of. 17.up and down 18.each other ◆常考句型 1.我在自然历史博物馆担任导游的工作。 I at the Natural History Museum. 2.作为一份特殊的礼物,我们的父母带我们 去了印度。 a special gift,our parents uS India. 3.我告诉了游客关于它们的情况和它们的生 活习惯。 I the yisitors them and their 4.我熬夜看足球比赛了。 I the soccer game. 5.学习一门第二语言是重要的。 a second language 6. “上周末你做有趣的事情了吗 ”“没有。” you do last weekend —Not really 7.我是如此惊慌以至于不能动了。 I was scared I couldn't move. 8.他们拥有一份多么有趣的工作呀! they have! 习 考题集训 I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.There are many (mouse)in the old house. 2.All my family (fly)kites on the square last weekend. 3.Jane saw many (butterfly)in the garden just now. 4.It's important (learn)English well at school. 5.The bad news made her (feel)sad. 6.Where you (see)her yesterday 7.It is a (use)tool for the workers. 8.Mom (wake)me up at six this morning 9.Did your brother have fun (visit) Tian'an men Square 10.Good (live)habits are important to our lives. Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子 1.If you want to answer the questions,you can ( 举 起 )your hand 2.Don't ( 冲 … … 大 声 叫 嚷 )others.It's not polite. 3.—Was there ( 重要的事 情 )in the meeting —No,there wasn't. 4.They met a big wolf (在野营的第一天晚上). 5.The next morning,my sister and I ( 感 到 非 常 惊 讶 ) 6.Last night he ( 熬夜看)TV but I went to sleep early. Ⅲ.句型转换 1.He was too tired to work for a long time. ( 改 为同义句) He was tired he couldn't work for a long time. 2.She had a school trip with her classmate. ( 对 画线部分提问) she a school trip 3.They are beautiful flowers.(改为感叹句) these flowers are! they are 4.He lost his keys.(改为否定句) He his keys. 5.Today the weather is cool. (对画线部分提 问 ) the weather today' 6.Peter swam in the swimming pool yesterday afternoon. (对画线部分提问) Peter in the swimming pool yesterday afternoon 常考单词 1.camp 2.beach 3.fly;flew 4.natural;nature 5.visitor;visit 6.tired;tiring 7.mouse;mice 8.language 9.high;height 10.India;Indian 11.moon 12.surprise;surprising;surprised 13.scared;scary 14.jump 15.forest 16.湖;湖泊 17.羊;绵羊 18.蝴蝶 19.停留;待 20.离开;远离 常考短语 1.stay up late 2.run away 3.shout at/to … 4.finish high school 5.put up 6.get a surprise 7.wake up ... ...

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