

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:65次 大小:44734Byte 来源:二一课件通
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重庆市四川外国语大学附属外国语学校2023-2024学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 Family-Friendly Events in January ZooLights: Glow Wild Jan. 1-19 The Phoenix Zoo’s yearly holiday light show is on until Jan. 19, allowing families one or more opportunities to enjoy the city’s zoo, with millions of lights giving an added dimension to the festivities. Glow Wild, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy. , Phoenix, phoenixzoo.org, $11. 95 members, $13. 95 general admission. Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts Jan. 4-18 The Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts features the work of established and emerging artists, including those who create woodwork, metal crafts, food items, art, photography and gifts. On Macdonald, off of Main Street in Downtown Mesa, , free admission. Family Fun Winterfest Jan. 4 OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hosting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Courtyard, featuring real snow for the kids to play in. This free event features everything from bounce houses to rides, games, snowflake crafts and face painting to go with various stands set up by local sellers, with food and other offerings for sale at the event. 9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, , free. Youth Fine Arts Course Jan. 18-Mar. 7 Mesa Arts Center is hosting an eight-week youth arts course on Saturdays to teach artistic skills and knowledge through fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety of art materials, including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating sessions for all. Mesa Art Center, 1 E. Main St, Mesa, , $93. 1.How can you get a discounted ticket to the ZooLights show A.Bring a friend. B.Get a membership. C.Join a tour group. D.Book a ticket online. 2.What can you do at Family Fun Winterfest A.Have free food. B.Take art classes. C.Enjoy real snow. D.Meet local artists. 3.Which event lasts the longest A.ZooLights: Glow Wild. B.Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts. C.Youth Fine Arts Courses. D.Family Fun Winterfest. For 18 years, I’ve feared the yearly event of writing a “vision statement (愿景宣言)” for our son, Ethan. He has autism (自闭症). In theory, the vision statement is a lovely idea — an opportunity for parents to express the future they plan for their child five years down the road. In reality, as Ethan grew up and his limitations became clearer, I found it harder every year to write the short paragraph. This year, as Ethan completed his final year in the school system, we signed Ethan up to work at a local farm that employs young adults with disabilities assuming it would go the way he always has. He’d be interested at first, then bored, and then — because he was bored — silly and unsafe around the equipment in a way that would get him removed from the program. It was his pattern and if there’s anything we’ve learned, autistic kids love repeating their patterns. Surprisingly, after a year, we were told he’d made it onto a landscaping team. ... ...

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