
Unit3 Welcome to our school! Reading 教学设计 牛津译林版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:32次 大小:65675Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 Welcome to our school! Reading 教学设计 一、教学内容 本单元主题为 Welcome to our school!该主题属于人与自我、人与社会范畴,涉及有关学校科目、学校设施和上学方式的内容。本单元内容围绕 Our school这一主题展开,涉及到四个大方面内容:subject(学科) ,Welcome to our school(学校设施), How do you get to school(上学方式), My school(介绍学校)。 本节课就内容二进行学习:通过讲述学校开放日 School Open Day,Millie带她妈妈参观学校,向妈妈介绍学校的各种设施、位置和作用,学生可以在老师的带动和引导下学会用所学语言自己进行自由介绍自己的学校,并树立爱自己学校的正确价值观。 二、教学目标(Learning Aims): Through this class, students will be able to... 1.Get and comb some information about school facilities.(获取梳理信息) 2.Express their schools freely based on the chart above.(自由表达) 3.Form the important value of loving their schools.(树立价值观) 4.Evaluate their words, behaviors and their cooperation through self-assessment and co-assessment. (自评、他评) 三、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:掌握学校的设施的英语名称、位置、外观、用途等及相关词汇和表达方式 ( building, school hall, an art room, library, modern, meeting, show sb. Around ) 2. 教学难点:学会如何向他人流畅的介绍自己的学校,学会爱自己的学校 四、教学步骤: Step 1. Leading-in: Watch a video and sing a beautiful song –Our School to lead in this class. Step 2.Daily Report—My Subjects: Step 3. Brainstorming—School Places: Show some pictures and read the phrases (read together),pay attention to“an art room”. (设置情景:跟随导游 --Eddie 进行学校之旅!第一站: Millie’s school—Sunshine Middle School去参加她的学校开放日!) Step 4.Listening:(注意听力方法:先浏览听力表格的内容,进行预测,有针对性的进行听力练习)Listen to the conversation twice about Millie and her mother and fill in the blanks. Step 5.Reading 1)Quick Reading Read and Think: What do Millie and her mother talk about her school 2)Careful Reading Read and Summarize: What places do they talk about Where is Millie's classroom Who is the man in a white shirt 3)Global Reading Read and Infer: What can be inferred from the passage Step 6.Speaking: Pair-works: ( Pair-work先采取“师生对话”的形式进行示范演练,再让学生进行同桌对话,及增进了师生的默契,又降低了同桌活动的难度。) Role-play the conversation: (Show yourselves! Show your confidence!) A: Next, let me show you my...,mom. B: Where is it A:It's on/in...This way, please! Look! Here is my. ,mom. B: It looks so ....(同桌活动,采用给出大框,不限自由发挥的形式,最大程度上鼓励、培养学生的创新能力。)Conclusion: How to describe places The way to... First/Second/Next, let me show you... The location of... It's in front of/on the ground floor School Places The look of... It looks so big/modern/nice/clean/... The usage of... We can have meeting/read books/...The feeling to... I like/love it so much/a lot.. ( 思维导图形象直观、一目了然,更易于学生理解和接受。) Watch a video: A general introduction of Longshan Middle School from Li Junrui. Group-work: Work in groups to introduce our school in d ... ...

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