

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:100次 大小:216078Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024中考英语冲刺模拟试卷-其四(浙江杭州专用) (满分90分) 一.阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A Moving air—such as the wind on a breezing(微风的) day—often seems to "stick" to solid objects(固体), this experiment shows. You'll need ①A short candle in holder ②Matches ③Salt box and large container(容器) ④An adult helper What to do Step 1 Put the candle on the table and ask the adult to light it. Step 2 Put the container on the table next to the candle. Step 3 Blow on the other side of the container (no candle side) as shown in the picture. What happened Why The candle flickers(闪烁) and you may be able to blow it out. This is called the "Coanda effect" after a scientist from Romania. Air from your mouth divides into two steams when it hits the container. They flow around both sides, sticking close to the container. Then they join and blow out the candle. 1.Which of the following is TRUE form Step 1 to Step 3 A. The candle should be lit and put on the container. B. The adult should help to put the candle under the table. C. We should blow the container on the side of the candle. D. We should blow the container at the same height as the flame. 2.What is the purpose of this experiment A. To show candles can be blown out in front of a container. B. To show air from your mouth can be divided into halves. C. To show moving air may stick close to the solid objects. D. To show Coanda effect was found by a Romanian scientist. 3.In which section of a newspaper would you probably read the text A. Sports News. B. Job Wanted. C. Science Study. D. Star Stories. B Dear Reading Doctor, I love summer- the weather is nice and sunny (most days!),and all of the colors outside look so bright.The other day,I took the train down to the beach with my mum and we could see lots of colorful things from the window,so we played a game of making up names for every color that we saw--like "angry-teacher pink" for the color of our sunburn!It was really good fun.Are there any books about colors for older kids like me? Sarah Dear Sarah, Colors are as important in life as they are in art,Summer colors can make you feel happy and bright,and winter colors can make you feel sleepy,or sad.Lively spring colors can fill you with energy,and gentle autumn colors can calm you back down.There's nothing shy about understanding how color works- -in fact,it's the most important skill of any true artist.To see how different colors can be used in different ways,check out the two booksbelow. Color by Marion Deuchars is full of interesting facts about colors and their place in the world.Did you know that Isaac Newton- famous for having an apple fall on his head- invented the rainbow color wheel that we still use today?Or that most Japanese children draw the sun as red instead of yellow?If you can tell the difference between similar colors,then Color is the book for you! The Red Tree by Shaun Tan is a wonderful book for understanding how artists u ... ...

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