

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:31次 大小:252795Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024中考英语冲刺模拟试卷-其二(浙江杭州专用) (满分90分) 一.阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A We asked you to tell us how you've made someone's day.Thanks for your wonderful replies!Here are just a few. "My family and I set out a box of snacks for our postal carriers (邮递员).I enjoyed watching them take a snack.Sometimes they even waved to me.I look forward to putting out another snack box." Lyllieanne Tippery,age 7,Virginia "For World Kindness Day one year,I wrote nice messages on Post-It notes and gave them to my teacher.She posted them on kids' notice boards." Kara Goodwin,age 8,Ohio "I like to help my mom by watching my little brother so she can get chores done" Charlie Webb Carson,age 7,Louisiana "My friends and I did two cake sales at the music school where my mom and dad work.We raised $303 and gave the money to a local homeless shelter (收容所).It was a very fun experience and it was great to know l helped somebody!" Hope Jacklin,age 10,Illinois "I like to make people laugh.I like the smiles on their faces and the laughs of the crowd." Connor Mitchell,age 8,Alabama Your Turn!What kind things have you done?What you did may give other kids ideas!Share yours with us.Mail to:803 Church Street Honesdale.PAI8431. 1.What nice thing did Charlie do? _____ A. He wrote notes to his teachers. B. He looked after his little brother. C. He gave snacks to postal carriers. D. He sold cakes at the music school. 2.How can you contact (联系) the magazine to share your experience? _____ A. By calling. B. By writing a letter. C. By sending an email. D. By visiting a website. 3.In which column (栏目) of a magazine can you read this text? _____ A. Kind Kids. B. Book Club. C. Photos of the Week. D. News Around the World. B Medellin,the second largest city in Colombia,used not to be a great place for kids to grow up.Today,however,the people of Medellin are working together to make it a safer and more beautiful community.How are they doing this?Through art,of course! The local government has given artists permission to paint murals (壁画) on certain walls through out the community.Artists are able to share their feelings with others.They express themselves in their work.They also express a shared culture and shared values and memories.This builds respect among the residents (居民). The government's interest in the community helps the residents believe in the political system.To further support the residents of Medellin,the local government also provides residents with brightly colored paint to paint their houses.As residents plan and paint their homes together,they appreciate and understand each other more. Another way Medellin is using art to improve their neighborhoods is by giving kids art classes Community centers,such as Casa Morada,teach kids how to paint and help them plan murals for public spaces.This is not only fun,but it has a serious side to it as well.It keeps kids out of trouble ... ...

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