
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought Developing ideas 公开课(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:12次 大小:12225131Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 空白演示 B2U1 Cold Truths 【Developing ideas — reading】 Learning objectives 1.Get to know some words about food and how to eat healthily. 2.Understand the content of the text , evaluate the lifestyles of different characters and give suggestions. 3.Relate to own life and have a deeper understanding of the relationship between eating habits and healthy lifestyles. Lead in If you had a fridge, what would you like to put in ready meals instant noodles yogurt How can we eat more healthily. various vitamin dietary fibre low-fat rich nutrition low-salt low-calorie high-protein Useful Words Brain storm Pre-reading Can you predict what the passage is about through the title and the pictures a e c b d Jenny Ted Max Mike Ellie Check Your Answers Fast-reading While-reading Find out who might say the sentences below. 1. “There is a lot of food from my workplace in our fridge.” 2. “You might find bean products in our fridge, but hamburgers Never!” 3. “My fridge is a total mess! All I do is party and hit the books.” 4. “There isn't really much in my fridge. I'm just too busy and tired to cook at home!” 5. “If you are someone who avoids animal products, you wouldn't find anything to eat in my fridge!” study hard While-reading How to understand the title Cold Truths The cold food in the fridge reflect their true life style. The unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles will influence people's health, which is a cruel truth. Think and share 1.What do you think the saying “You are what you eat” means It means the food that you eat affects your health, your energy level, your mood and even your behaviour. Therefore, in order to be fit and healthy, you need to eat fresh and healthy food. 2.Do you know of any Chinese sayings about food and health 要想身体好,早餐要吃饱。 病从口入。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。 A closed mouth catches no flies. A good breakfast makes you healthy. Name Lifestyle Ellie Jenny Ted Mike Max Post-reading no time or _____ to cook;quick, _____ dinners _____; cook a lot at home with fresh, _____ fruit or vegetables _____; often eat big meat dinners; love _____ so busy that often bring food from the restaurant or buy _____ food no fresh food to eat; no time to eat _____ energy light vegetarian seasonal meat-lover sausages frozen regularly Work in groups. Discuss the lifestyle of each person and make suggestions to two of them. Use the table to make a conversation. Name Lifestyle Suggestions Ellie Jenny Ted Mike Max Post-reading no time or energy to cook;quick, light dinners vegetarian; cook a lot at home with fresh, seasonal fruit or vegetables meat-lover; often eat big meat dinners; love sausages so busy that often bring food from the restaurant or buy frozen food no fresh food to eat; no time to eat regularly 1.A good way to improve his/her lifestyle is that… 2.It is of great importance that … 3.It’ll be more beneficial if he/she ... ...

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