
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought Developing ideas Cold truths教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:48次 大小:51752Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 学 设 计 教学设计内容: Unit 1 Developing ideas Cold truths 所用教科书 外研版 必修二 所教年级 高一 课型 阅读课 设计主题 Cold truths 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 This teaching material is a column. Five pictures of food in fridges are shown to us, from which we can have a basic understanding of each person’s eating habits. Then the passage uses five parts to explain their professions, food choices and lifestyles. By matching the pictures of the fridges to their owners, paraphrasing their words and discussing questions, students will learn to evaluate different lifestyles and improve their awareness of healthy diet. 2.教学背景分析: Analysis of teaching:The text is a column, which shows five different people’s careers, food choices and lifestyles. With the illustration of the pictures, the passage is lively and easy to understand. Also, The topic is close to students’ daily life so they can get the main idea quickly. But some new words and phrases may become their reading obstacles and exercise 3 on page 10 needs some skills of paraphrasing.Analysis of students:Most students have interests in English and they have a relatively solid foundation as well. What they lack is critical thinking and the confidence to express their opinions, so the teacher should give them more opportunities to speak. They also need to improve their knowledge about balanced diet and healthy eating. 3.教学目标分析: Language competence: Be able to understand the text, evaluate the lifestyles of different characters and give suggestions.Learning competence: Improve their confidence and stimulate their interests in English by discussing and expressing their own opinions.Thinking quality: Be able to match the vivid pictures with abstract description and understand the internal logic of each person’s narration.Cultural consciousness: Relate to their own life and have a deeper understanding of the relationship between eating habits and healthy lifestyle. 4.教学重点、难点分析: Teaching key point: Understand the texts and acquire knowledge about healthy eating through reading and discussing.Teaching difficult point: Evaluate the lifestyles of different characters and give suggestions. 5.教学方法: PWP 6.教学用具:Blackboard and multimedia 7.教学过程设计: 教学环节 教师的活动 学生的活动 设计意图 Warming-up 1. Greetings;2. Ask the students following questions:Have you ever heard the saying “You are what you eat” Can you guess the meaning Greetings;Brainstorm and answer the questions. To motivate students’ knowledge by talking about the famous saying . Pre-reading Lead students to the test mentioned in the passage and find out the meaning of the saying.Let students observe the picture, describe the food in each fridge and guess what kind of person their owners is. Predict the contents. To get ready for the reading. While-reading Let the students read the passage and match the pictures of the fridges to their owners.Check the answers together: Which word or sentence can help y ... ...

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