
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance单词讲解 1 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:7839204Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) B3U1 Word1 Self study The Amazon(亚马逊) rainforest is the place with the richest _____ (生态系统) on the earth. It supports more than 60000 plants, 2.5 million _____(昆虫), tens of thousands of plant _____(不同种类), and about 2000 _____(物种) of birds and _____(哺乳动物). The _____(野生动植物) there is rich which included _____(青蛙), _____(睡莲), birds, _____(美洲豹) and so on. ecosystem insects varieties species mammals Wildlife frogs water lilies jaguars harm n.伤害,损害(to)→ _____v.伤害,损害→_____ adj.有害的→_____ adj.无害的 Fill in the blanks. (1)Some people think that chemical additive(添加剂) in food is _____ (harm) so they refuse to buy it. (2)Do you think that smoking will do harm your health 2. soil n. 土地;土壤;国土;领土 4. overseas adj.海外的,国外的→ _____adv. → <近>_____ → <反>_____ harm harmful overseas abroad domestic harmless harmful to 5. region n. 地区,区域,行政区→_____ adj.地区的,区域的 6. continent n.大陆,陆地,州 7.million num. 一百万,许多,大量 8. length n.长,度 → _____ adj.长的→ _____ n.宽→_____ n.高 (美洲)_____ 亚洲_____ 大洋洲_____ 非洲_____ (欧洲)_____ Africa America Asia Europe Oceania 百:_____ 千:_____ 万:_____ 十万:_____ 百万:_____ 千万:_____ regional hundred thousand ten thousand hundred thousand million ten million long width height 9. biodiversity n. 生物多样性 10.species(pl. species)种,物种 濒危物种 endangered species 许多种野花 many species of wild flowers 11. nut n. 坚果→_____巴西坚果 bio biological adj.生物的 ;生命的 biology n. 生物 biologist n. 生物学家 brazil nut 13. variety n. → adj. 各种各样的→ .v.变化 various vary 各种各样的... a variety of = varieties of +可数/不可数 vary from A to A This book can be used in a variety of fields. The menu of this restaurant varies with the season. The answer to this question varies from person to person. 在…方面变化 vary with... 随着...而变化 Translate the sentences. 当堂练习 (2018江苏) But the information I got was rich and (vary). Likes and dislikes vary individual to individual. (2018全国III) Join us to taste a (vary) of fresh local food. There are various (way) of doing this job. various from variety ways 14.wildlife n.野生动植物,野生生物 15. beneath prep. 在…下方;配不上 16. mass n. 大量→_____adj.大而重的 a mass of=masses of+可数/不可数 许多…. the mass of … 大多数… massive 17. towering adj.高大的;高耸的;出色的→_____n.塔;高楼 18. hardwood n. 阔叶树;硬材 19. living adj.活着的;活的;在使用的→_____v.居住,生活→_____n.生计,收入;生活方式→_____adj.活泼的; →_____adj.活着的,充满的,情绪饱满 hard hardware n._____; hardship n. _____ hardworking adj. _____ live in: 住在…里面 Translate the sentence. I live in a small town which is far away from the downtown. 我住在离市中心很远的一个小镇里。 tower live living lively alive be alive with 充满;到处都是 硬件;装备; 困苦;艰难 努力工作的 22. survive vi.生存;存活;vt. 幸存;幸免遇难→_____n.幸存→;→_____幸存者; 26 ... ...

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