
Unit 3 Where did you go Part C课件(wps打开)+教学设计+练习+学习单(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:73次 大小:51231506Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Where did you go (Part C) John’s Labour Day Holiday Where did he go How did he go there What did he do bought a hat went camping rode a horse went fishing ate local food saw grapes Who did he go with Amy’s Winter Holiday What How Who ... How to go Where Zoom’s Travel What How ... Who How to go Where Let’s watch Zoom’s Travel What How ... Who How to go Where He went to the moon. Am I now on the moon I can’t believe it! She must be Chang’e. Oh, there is the rabbit. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and action! 请注意语言、语调,并试着加上动作! How did Zoom feel What did Zoom see What did they do together Let’s act Scan and answer 阅读图片2-5并回答问题。 What did he do How was his holiday Who did he go with How did he go What did he do How was his holiday Who did he go with How did he go Scan and answer 阅读图片2-5并回答问题。 He saw Chang’e, the rabbit and the tree. He took some pictures. What did he do How was his holiday Who did he go with How did he go Scan and answer 阅读图片2-5并回答问题。 By spaceship. What did he do How was his holiday Who did he go with How did he go Scan and answer 阅读图片2-5并回答问题。 By himself. What did he do How was his holiday Who did he go with How did he go Scan and answer 阅读图片2-5并回答问题。 It was fun. Let’s think What happened How did he feel Happy Where did he put his pictures Let’s watch Let’s act frustrated 沮丧 Let’s review found himself on the moon excited lost his pictures sad it was a dream frustrated Title:-_____ Zoom’s dream Listen and imitate Read correctly. 准确 Read fluently. 流利 Read vividly. 生动 Let’s watch Zoom’s dream will come true one day! Let’s review on the moon excited lost his pictures frustrated it was a dream disappointed will go to the moon happy Title:-_____ Zoom’s dream////// Zoom’s nice dream////// Think and write Did you have an interesting dream Think and write What How ... Who How to go Where My dream My interesting dream I had an interesting dream. I went to_____. I_____ _____ _____ … Step 1: Finish the mind map. 完成思维导图 Step 2: Finish writing. 完成小作文 3.Read more about space. 3 Choose to do: 2.Write down your interesting dream. 2 1.Read and act the story on P31. 1 Must do: Homework中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 六年级 学期 春季 课题 Unit 3 Where did you go Part C Story time 教科书 书 名:人教版PEP(三年级起点)六年级下册 -出卷网-:人民教育-出卷网- 学习目标 1. 理解故事内容大意,提取关键信息,梳理what-where-when-how-who-why的逻辑脉络,并通过思维导图进行故事的复述。 2. 通过图片与文字阅读,进行故事预测、演绎,激发学生对传统故事的阅读兴趣,对中国探月历程有初步了解,对探索太空产生兴趣。 课前学习任务 【学习任务一】了解关于中秋节的传统故事。 【学习任务二】Read and choose选词填空。 who ; where ; how ; what did you go last summer holiday I went to Beijing. did you go there By plane. did you go with My parents. did you do i ... ...

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