
Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. 课件(外研版八年级下册)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:38次 大小:6133485Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. What can we talk about to introduce a cartoon hero Revision appearance personality ability popularity Experience lesson/spirit(精神) ... What heroes does the writer introduce to us Fast Reading What does the writer introduce about the cartoon heroes Read and tick(√) Nemo& Shrek Monkey King Tintin Snoopy Apperance Experience Personality Popularity Lesson/Spirit √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A-P-P-L-E principle Snoopy Nemo Tintin Shrek He is a cute dog. He is an ugly kgreen man. He is a cute orange-and-white fish. He is a handsome boy with red quiff(额发). Game: Who’s he What can be introduced about the appearance species(animal/human..), color, hair, build(体形), clothes, general look... Describe the appearance to show the special features. Monkey King He is a monkey. He is a cool monkey with peach-shaped face and harelip(兔唇). What do these cartoon heroes do Read and complete Monkey King _____ a group of monkeys _____ the Emperor of Heaven and his men. He also _____ in heaven. leads against makes a terrible mess Tintin _____ a newspaper and has lots of _____. works for exciting experiences Snoopy lives in his _____ world and finds _____ hard to understand. own private real life What can we learn from their experiences brave clever humorous Personality Spirit(精神) be brave and never give up! Read and Share What can you learn from Tintin’s experiences Share experiences to show the personality and spirit of the cartoon hero. brave, clever, friendly, helpful, determined... Adventurous Spirit(冒险精神) Who are they popular with Talk about the popularity to show your wish. I believe our hero will win the hearts of.../ satisfy.../ be loved by... Introduce one of the cartoon heroes according to “APPLE” Appearance Experience Popularity Personality Lesson/Spirit Who is he popular with Why do people like the cartoon heroes We like cartoon heroes for different reasons. Some cartoon heroes are powerful and brave. They fight bad people and help those who are in need. Some are not so powerful, but they also win people's hearts because they are kind, cute, clever or humorous. Cartoon heroes are not perfect. They also meet difficulties or make mistakes. They satisfy us because they are just like us. Introduce your favrourite heroes according to “APPLE” Appearance Experience Popularity Personality Lesson/Spirit Who is he/shhe popular with Appearance Experience Popularity Personality Lesson/Spirit Create a cartoon hero according to “APPLE” Check (√) if your group: □ 1. Describes the special features of appearance □ 2. Describes main experience to show personality □ 3. Describes the lesson from the cartoon hero □ 4. Shows your wish by talking about popularity A real hero is not someone who can fly through the sky, but a common man fighting against enemies by his own power.

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