
Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person课件+音频(外研版八年级下册)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:12次 大小:4758542Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. Guessing game What is my brother’s hobby playing volleyball sailing growing vegetables painting climbing looking after animals exciting a useful skill not lazy any more creative exciting dangerous but interesting What are they What do you think of them (1) What are your families’ hobbies (2) What do they think of their hobbies singing, dancing, writing painting, climbing, growing vegetables, looking after animals… Hobbies How about your family Opinions active, dangerous, healthy, interesting, relaxing, meaningful … Guess Look at the picture of David and guess what his hobby is Maybe … Read and answer What are David’s hobbies They are writing, playing volleyball and many other things. Which of his hobbies is the passage mainly about 2010 2012 now He had a writing class in the summer camp. His first book came out. Maybe he’ll write another book about his volleyball team. future As a result Many young people love his book. _____, he has become a successful young writer. Read and Complete What did David learn from the writing class How long did it take David to finish the first book 3. Why do young people love David’s book 4. What does the writer think of David Why David is lucky, because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success. He learned to talk about his life experiences and tell interesting stories when writing. Because his book is about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy, whose story may resonate(共鸣) with the young readers of the same age. Read and answer About 2 years. What do you think of David Why Discuss 1. Will David’s new books be successful Why Yes, I think he will. Because … /No, I don’t think so. Because … 2. What makes David succssful First is his learning experience at the summer camp. He has entered a writing class which has improved his writing skill a lot from the teacher. Second is his hard work on writing. He spent lots of time writing his book and never gave up. Third is his diverse experiences. He is active in different activities, which provides him writing materials. The advantages of hobbies David’s story about writing How many parts can it be divided into What does the writer want to tell us by telling David's story Discuss How do you understand “ Hobbies can make you grow as a person” Hobbies can allow us to discover hidden talents, and become more confident. Besides, hobbies offer new challenges and experiences which help enrich the life. In short, hobbies are good for our bodies and minds. They help us to be a complete person. collecting shoes playing video games reading comic books playing basketball singing painting looking after pets dancing Pair work Choose one hobby and talk about its advantages & disadvantages. What are the advantages of it What are the disadvantages of it How can you keep it in a right way ... four weeks Read and underline 1. What _____ do you enjo ... ...

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