
上海新世纪版必修1高一英语Module2 Culture unit3 知识要点梳理+词组(2份)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:33次 大小:13345Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit Three Translation (Text) 我一直想知道是谁先说出这个简单的事实。(utter) I have often wondered who first uttered that simple truth. 我觉得这么做是一件可耻的事。(shame) I think it a shame to behave like that. 这个小男孩吸引了我的注意力。(attention) The little boy caught my attention. 我是如此生气,以至于想朝他扔东西。(feel like) I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him. 这个小女孩盯着橱窗里的玩具。(stare) The little girl stared at the toys in the window. 要是她发现你把她的书弄丢了将会怎么样呢?(what if) What if she finds out that you’ve lost her book? 你们最后将有机会提问任何问题。(opportunity) You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions a the end. 请给我一些关于如何省钱的实用建议。(tip) Please give me some useful tips on how to save money. 他开始罗罗嗦嗦地讲诉自己的工作。(launch) He launched into an account of his career. 研究显示,饮食习惯正迅速改变。(indicate) Translation (Additional Reading) Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast. 他看过这部电影了,但是没有做任何评论。(comment) He had seen the film, but made no comments on it. 她肯定很早就走了,因为她没有在早餐时间露面。 She must have gone out early, for she had not shown up for breakfast. 3.工作过多,休息过少,常常导致疾病。 Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. 笑了一下,以此来回复我的建议。 He responded to my suggestion with laugh. 如果客人不能按时回复邀请,主人可能无法准备适量的食品和饮料。(amount) If guests don’t answer the invitation on time, the host cannot possibly plan for the correct amount of food and drink. 16.我们一直后悔卖掉了农场。(regret) We’ve always regretted selling the farm. 7.我向他提供饮料,但是她没有理睬 (respond) I offered him a drink but he didn’t respond to my offer. 8.我希望我们能在截止前完成这项任务。(deadline) I hope we can finish this task before the deadline. 9.他处事不顾及他人。(regard) He acts without any regard for other people. 10.我们准时完成了我们的试验。(schedule) We finished our experiment on schedule. 11.你究竟欠他多少钱?(owe) How much on earth do you owe him? Unit Three 词组句型 ride on the bus 乘汽车 a opportunity for sb. to do 做某事的机会 practise doing sth. 训练做某事 get off the bus 下车 what a shame 多遗憾 exchange … with 交换 at the same time 与此同时 pay close attention 密切注意 feels like 想做某事,愿意 in return 作为报答 leave … alone 不管 what if 要是…如何 launch into 开始侃侃而谈 stick to 坚持(真理) rather than 而不是 comment on 评论 on the right track 路子正确/不对 forget to do 忘记去做某事 receive an invitation 收到邀请 allow … to do 允许 … 做某事 show up 到场 make a phone call 打电话 reach out to 和 … 联系 as soon as possible 尽快 on time 准时 the amount of … 的数量 hundreds of 数百 be sure to do 务必 without regard to 不考虑 lead to 导致 UNIT 3 TEXT 1.to start with= to begin with 首先 2.on the bus 在车上 by bus 乘车 3.practise doing 练习做 4.think to oneself 心里想 5.come into one’s head 想到。。。,产生(某想法) =come into one’s m ... ...

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