
译林版(2020)必修第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance翻译重点与背诵课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:81次 大小:1871967Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Face values 自主预习·激发潜能 PART.01 Ⅰ.课文对译 教材原文 教材译文 It's all about ME! “Me”. It's a small word with big meaning, and that meaning is as individual to each of us as the way we look. Through interviews, I was able to discover what “me” means to other people, and how they have learnt to appreciate the beauty in themselves. Psychologist, Dr Hart Jade, 24, accounting manager 一切都关于“我”! “我”,一个意义重大的小字,它 的意义就像我们每个人的外表一样, 因人而异。通过采访,我能够发现 “我”对其他人意味着什么,以及他们 如何学会欣赏自己的美。 心理学家,哈特博士 杰德,24岁,会计经理 教材原文 教材译文 As a song in Ugly Betty puts it, “It's a pretty person's world”. I understand this more than most, as I have always been plain-looking. I'm a girl who'd love to look good. Well, who wouldn't So, ever since I discovered selfie apps that could remove my freckles, enlarge my eyes and even slim my jawline, I have become addicted. 正如《丑女贝蒂》中的歌曲所 唱的那样,“这是一个属于漂亮的人 的世界。”我比大多数人更明白这 一点,因为我一直相貌平平。我是一 个爱美的女孩。好吧,谁不是呢? 所以,自从我发现自拍软件可以消除 我的雀斑,放大我的眼睛,甚至让我 的下颌轮廓变瘦,我就用上瘾了。 续表 教材原文 教材译文 I spend hours every day editing my selfies, posting them and eagerly checking my phone a hundred times for comments. Each “like” boosts my confidence. Dad thinks I am a narcissist, but what I say is that my pictures aren't hurting anyone, so who cares 我每天都要花几个小时修我的 自拍照,并把它们发到网上,然后频 繁地打开手机,迫切地查看评论。 照片的每个“赞”都能增强我的自信 心。爸爸觉得我是一个自恋的人,但 我的解释是,我的照片没伤害任何 人,管它呢? 续表 教材原文 教材译文 Dr Hart says: Obsessive online photo editing indicates a lack of self-confidence and a desire for attention. However, the image Jade presents to obtain the praise of others is false. People who pretend to be someone they are not tend to misjudge themselves. 哈特博士说: 沉迷于修饰上传网络的照片其 实是缺乏自信和渴望关注的表现。 不管怎样,杰德为获得他人赞扬所 展示的形象是虚假的。那些假装成 别人的人,往往会对自己产生错误 的判断。 续表 教材原文 教材译文 Anthony, 21, college student I never really cared about my appearance. That's why I could never understand my sister, who has 17 lipsticks and can't decide which one to use every morning. I only used to have five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts. 安东尼,21岁,大学生 我从来都不太在乎自己的外 表。那就是我永远无法理解我姐姐 的原因,她有17支口红,每天早上都 不能选定用哪一支。我以前只有5 条一模一样的裤子和5件一模一样 的衬衫。 续表 教材原文 教材译文 When I first moved into my dormitory at college, this made my roommates quite confused as they saw me in the same clothes day after day. Last month they registered me for a TV programme, A New You. It felt bizarre at first. I didn't like being reviewed from head to toe. 当我第一次搬进大学宿舍时,室 友看到我每天穿同样 ... ...

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