

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:42次 大小:47688Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021-2022学年高二下学期南京市五中、南航附中期中联考 英语试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节满分50分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Why choose the UK's leading mobility specialist Oak Tree Mobility At Oak Tree, we make beautiful products that help people live Your comfort is our strength independently. We believe everyone should be free to live a rich and fulfilling life and this belief affects everything we do. It is reflected in our range of handmade rise and recline chairs, adjustable beds and bath lifts, which have already empowered thousands nationwide to enjoy the independence they deserve. ●Help improve blood circulation with our unique high leg lift. ●All our chairs and beds are made to fit you and your home. ●Our furniture can offer positional relief from aches and pains. ●We have a huge choice of fabrics and leathers. ●Al l our chairs and beds are handmade in Great Britain. Buy any furniture and get any second item half price. Trade in your old chair, bed or any other furniture and save at least 250. Our products are assessed by professional institutions. This means you can trust that your chair, bed or bath lift is of the very highest quality and will make a real difference to your life. We donate your existing unwanted furniture to the British Heart Foundation. "Being able to elevate my legs and reduce swelling gives me greater freedom of movement." Mrs Campbell, 65, London "If anybody wants a stairlift, there is only one company that you need. And that is Oak Tree. They are the best!" Mr & Mrs Barber, 63&68, Manchester 21. Who are most likely to be the customers of Oak Tree Mobility A. Senior citizens. B. Adolescents. C. Civil servants. D. Professors. 22. You can enjoy the following benefits EXCEPT_____ if you buy furniture from Oak Tree Mobility. A. deciding the size of your own chairs and beds. B. choosing the fabrics and leathers that you like. C. getting a discount when you buy another item. D. trading in your old furniture to get a half price 23. Their products are popular among customers most probably because _____. A. they are the only company to suit people's needs. B. all their chairs and beds are handmade in Great Britain. C. their furniture can offer positional relief from aches and pains. D. the products receive good assessments from professional institutions. B Six-year-old Harper Gage is already a race car driver and she races in a small car called a go-kart. Getting Started In December, Harper took part in the World Karting Association's national tournament and raced against other kids of her age. She was sixth out of 17 racers near the end of the race. However, her first season as a racer did not end the way she planned. The motor stopped with only two laps left. "She's pretty bummed," Harper's mother said after the race. "But we are so proud of her." Harper started racing go-karts around one year ago. At first, Gage wasn't sure if her daugh ... ...

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