
人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit4 Journey Across a Vast Using language听说课件(共15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:97次 大小:17402987Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land Talk about scenery and culture along a journey Learning Objectives Get the main idea and the key details by listening to the conversation. Understand the meaning of idioms in the listening text. Talk about your own travel experiences by using what you learned. Compare Canada with China and enjoy the pleasure of long journey. On thr train,Li Daiyu and Liu Qian start talking with a local passenager,a young woman named Anna.Before you listen, look at the pictures below and guess what they will be talking about. ① Which lake does the large photo remind you of ② What do you think the speakers will talk about How can you tell The Valley of Ten Peaks (十峰山) Lake Moraine (梦莲湖) ① Which lake does the large photo remind you of Like Lake Louise, Lake Moraine is fed by glaciers and gets its unique blue color from rock flour (岩乳). The mountains behind the lake are in the Valley of Ten Peaks, and they are famous throughout Canada because for many years they were on the Canadian $20 bill. ② What do you think the speakers will talk about How can you tell They will probably be talking about a beautiful lake in high mountains, and activities there, such as going skating on a frozen lake, going camping, and going hiking in the forest. going skating on a frozen lake going camping, playing ukuleleandroastingmarshmallows going hiking in a forest 2. Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. ① What do people do when Lake Louise freezes over in winter ② What does Anna say about Canadian summers ③ How far is it from Edmonton to Winnipeg ④ What kinds of things do people do in Winnipeg ⑤ What other long rail journey have Li Daiyu and Liu Qian taken activities climate distance activities names of places or trains Tip 1 Focus on key words Underlining key words in the questions helps you focus on the information you need, and be more attentive while listening. ① What do people do when Lake Louise freezes over in winter ② What does Anna say about Canadian summers Scripts: It’s even prettier in winter, after the lake . People . freezes over. like to go skating on the ice. Scripts: So then, Canada as well. That’s certainly true of many places. However, many areas of south Canada and very cold winters, so some days it gets as hot as an oven. must have cool summers have a continental climate (大陆性气候), with very hot summers ③ How far is it from Edmonton to Winnipeg ④ What kinds of things do people do in Winnipeg Scripts: In fact, , we’ll be in the Prairie. This is as flat as a pancake and stretches for as far as the eye can see – – until we reach Winnipeg. Scripts: What do you do to kill time there Oh, you name it … . But also : , for example. by the time we get to Edmonton more than 1,300 kilometers skiing, hiking, camping city things movies or restaurants on the weekends ⑤ What other long rail journey have Li Daiyu and Liu Qian ... ...

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