
2024届 高考英语 冲刺语法专题3:形容词副词学案(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:96次 大小:87260Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    高中英语 高考冲刺语法专题3:形容词副词 【问题查找】 单句语法填空 The situation is much _____(serious) than we think. 2. Mary studies harder than any other girl in her class. That is to say, she is the _____(hard). 3. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled _____ ( warm ), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. 4. For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt _____ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. 5. The _____ (tall) of the two girls in the photo is me. 6. Landing on the moon’s far side is _____ (extreme) challenging. 7. The far side of the moon is of particular _____ (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山), more..... 8. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been _____ (poor) studied. 9. Scientists have responded by noting that hungry bears may be congregating (聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion that populations are _____ (high) than they actually are. 10. Her years of hard work have _____ (final) been acknowledged after a customer nominated (提名) her to be Cheshire’s Woman Of The Year. 11. We are so proud of her. It’s _____ (wonder). 12. They also shared with us many _____ (tradition) stories about Hawaii that were _____ (huge) popular with tourists. 13. According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years _____ (long) than non-runners. 14. A taste for meat is _____ (actual) behind the change. 15. He screams the _____ (loud)of all. 16. Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been _____ (fair) unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. 17. It is _____ (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. 18. The GPNP’s main goal is to improve connectivity between separate populations and homes of giant pandas, and _____ (eventual)achieve a desired level of population in the wild. 19. No matter where I buy them, one steamer is _____ (rare) enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always left wanting more next time. Keys: 1. more serious 2. hardest 3. warmly 4. pleased 5. taller 6. Extremely 7. interest 8. poorly 9. higher 10. finally 11. wonderfully 12. traditional; hugely 13. longer 14. actually 15. loudest 16. fairly 17. certainly 18. eventual 19. rarely 二、完形填空单项节选 ( )1. The Forbidden City attracts a _____ stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays. A. constant B. main C. powerful D. shallow ( )2. Only five years after Steve Jobs’ death, smart-phones defeated _____ PCs in sales. controversial B. contradictory C. confidential D. conventional ( )3. The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others _____. A. blindly B. unwillingly C. closely D. carefully ( )4. Henry was away from home for quiet a bit and _____ saw his family. A. frequently B. seldom C. always D. usually Keys: A D A B 【要点精讲】 形容词副词 学习目标: 1. 能正确判定形容词,掌握形容词的用法并实际运 ... ...

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