
Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?第6课时SectionB 3a-Selfcheck学历案 (表格式)

日期:2024-05-08 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:32次 大小:688752Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section B 3a-self check 课型 写作课 课时 第6课时 课标 要 求 1.能用简单的书面语描述过去的某一历史事件;   2.在教师的指导下起草和修改作文;   3.能正确使用标点符号,写出简短的文段,语意通顺,目标明确。   学 习 目 标 1.通过3a练习,能够回忆过去某一事件的具体时间、地点,以及当时正在做的事情,并描述这件事情重要性的原因; 2.通过写作提示,梳理脉络,能够明确写作的结构和步骤,列出作文提纲; 3.通过自评、互评和师评,能够及时发现问题,查漏补缺,修改润色文章,认识到历史事件的重要性。 评 价 任 务 1.Task 1:Activity 1、2 2.Task 2:Activity 1、2 3.Task 3:Activity 1、2 学 习 过 程 环节 学习流程及内容 二次备课 课前预习 课堂互学 课堂巩固 Step1: Read the learning objectives. Step2 Task1 Pre-writing 1.What events do you remember well What were you doing when you heard the news When I heard the news , I was_____. I felt_____. 评价标准:能准确回答一个句子得1分,共2分。 2.3a. Make notes about an event you remember well. 评价标准:能按要求回答一个问题得1分,共7分。 Step3 Task 2 while-writing Write a short article about the important event in 3a. Try to write three paragraphs. Here are some writing tips: First, write about the event (when and where it happened ). Next, write about what you and some of your friends were doing when this event happened. Then, write about why this event was important. 2.Exchange your writing with your partner. Find and correct the mistakes carefully. 评价标准:能准确地按要求描述印象深刻的事件,完成写作,无拼写和语法错误,得10分;能按要求完成作文,有少量拼写和语法错误,得7-9分;能基本按照要求完成作文,有一些拼写和语法错误,得5-6分;未按要求完成写作,有一些拼写和语法错误,未能完整地描述该事件,影响了对内容的理解,得3-4分;未按要求写信,主要结构缺失,不能准确描述事件,语意不连贯,拼写和语法错误较多,严重影响了对内容的理解,得1-2分;不能正确描述事件,内容少或内容与写作要求无关,不得分。 Step4 Task3 Post-writing 1.Share your writing in your group, and then in class. Others listen carefully to the composition they read and identify the strengths and weaknesses. Self Check Fill in the blanks with when or while. 评价标准:准确填出一空得1分,共4分。 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 评价标准:准确填出一空得1分,共17分。 作业布置: You must do:   1.Polish the writing and correct the mistakes. 2.Find more significant history events and write an article. 难度:中等 时长:15分钟 板书设计: Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section B 3a-self check An important event that I remember well was_____. When I heard the news, I was_____, and my friends were_____. This event is very important to me because _____. 学后反思: 你还有哪些困惑? 希望得到老师哪些帮助? ... ...

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