
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought知识点课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:1790220Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 弟完词汇集中识记/ Food for thought 1重点词汇 1.maple n.枫树,械树 2.pudding n.布丁 3.snack n.(正餐以外的)小吃,点心 4.dare moda/verb.胆敢,敢于 5.wedding n.婚礼 6.sort n.种,类 7.butter n.黄油,牛油 1重点词汇 8.cheese n.干酪,奶酪 9.bite n.咬 y.(bit,bitten)咬 10.china n.瓷,瓷料 11.symbol n.象征,标志 12.opinion n.意见,看法 13.function n.(事物的)功能;作用 1重点词汇 14.down I oad .下载(信息或程序) 15.diet n.日常饮食 16,tip n.指点,建议 17.custom n.风俗,习惯,传统 18.manners n.礼貌,礼仪 19.plate n.盘,碟 20.attack .侵袭,侵蚀 1重点词汇 21.yoghurt n.酸乳,酸奶 22.within prep.在…里 23.honey n.蜂蜜 24.sour adj.酸(味)的 25.blog 山.写博客 n.博客,网络日志 语境助记一精品原创 欣赏背诵 I attended my cousin's wedding party last weekend, where there were all sorts of meat products,such as bacon,sausage and roast.So delicious are they that I ate my fill.I enjoyed the butter,cheese and toast as well.But I noticed that some female guests dared not try the meat products and sweet food.The sugar can form acid and attack our teeth.Just as the saying goes,"One man's meat is another man's poison.In my opinion,you 语境助记一精品原创 欣赏背诵 so just enjoy yourselves.Of course,everyone should try to have a balanced diet."Health belongs to anyone with a good lifestyle,a health official wrote on his blog.I Iike weddings because they are the symbol of a new and happy start.

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